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Pages - "Hide Empty Categories" setting please!


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Seeing empty categories is problematic.

I want to create a jobs board with tons of categories either areas, or specialties, and I want only the full categories to show. It looks a mess with all the (0) categories, and also makes navigation very hard.

Think of those boards that list every single automobile type. Or every state and major city. This should be available when creating the record but empty cats should be hidden from view.

We will also be deleting records after 30 days so no, they will not eventually fill up. There will always be empty categories.

A simple setting would be great!

Hide empty categories

Thank you!


Quick solution, if you are interested: in the category listing template add around the <li> tag:

{{$count = $RecordsClass::contentCount( $category, FALSE );}}
{{if $count>0}}



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