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Social Media / Downtime awareness

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"People" cant fix this, IPB staff can ;)

But not everybody is having these "issues". Which is the point that multiple INDIVIDUALS have been trying to make.

It's just like "lag" on a game server. People will complain day and night about "oh this server sucks, there's so much lag, blah blah blah" But you need to realize not everybody is connecting to the server the same exact way. So there could be issues with the path that you are taking to the server. And if not everybody is experiencing that problem then more often than not there is something in the middle that is causing the problem. That's why if you're on a game server for example and someone says "Lag" 98% of the time it's not the servers fault because nobody else experienced that lag that that one individual is having.

And it could be as close to home as your own internet connection, cache, DNS, etc, etc. .that is causing the problems So in reality you think the server sucks and it can be fixed by IPS but everything is actually fine and there is nothing else that they can do. They have set in place what it takes to prevent the server from being overloaded and crashing it. But most people don't understand how the internet works and that everybody isn't connected to the server from the same point, and that there are plenty of other things that could be going on many which IPS have no control over.

Again, this is why they asked you to contact them with your IP to make sure you are not being blocked. So yes, they have told people multiple times what they can do, but most individuals are choosing not too. Have you done that simple step yet?

ADKGamers, please don't talk to me like i was an idiot. I know how internet works.

Again, this is why they asked you to contact them with your IP to make sure you are not being blocked. So yes, they have told people multiple times what they can do, but most individuals are choosing not too. Have you done that simple step yet?

Please show me where STAFF tels me to give my ip for them in this topic? I must be blind because i dont see it. But yes, i have created a ticket about this.

edit: And staff sees my IP in every single post.

But not everybody is having these "issues".

Yes, but MANY people do. I didnt say everybody is having them-.

ADKGamers, please don't talk to me like i was an idiot. I know how internet works.

Please show me where STAFF tels me to give my ip for them in this topic? I must be blind because i dont see it. But yes, i have created a ticket about this.

edit: And staff sees my IP in every single post.

Posted by an IPS Staff Member.


And I'm certain not every Staff member has the access to whitelist IPs. And they shouldn't have to go through and find the people who are having "trouble" to look up their IPs.

lol. Those two are saying because they don't have issues IPS should ignore everyone else's. If these same two people were having this happen they would be complaining just as much. It's painfully annoying. And what IPS said to "do and not do" is not working, either. I just sat bored on pages waiting before clicking links, where it would not have a lot of clicks in a short amount of time and STILL this page loaded slowly.

Also how does a few people not having problems suddenly mean the FAR more who are haing major issues are the ones who are the exception?

Posted by an IPS Staff Member.


That isnt in this topic. You cant expect people read every topics in here. You cant say "they asked you to contact them", if that conversation is somewhere else. No one had sayd me anything about giving IP*s.

Again, this is why they asked you to contact them with your IP to make sure you are not being blocked.

Again, they havent asked me anything.

lol. Those two are saying because they don't have issues IPS should ignore everyone else's. If these same two people were having this happen they would be complaining just as much. It's painfully annoying. And what IPS said to "do and not do" is not working, either. I just sat bored on pages waiting before clicking links, where it would not have a lot of clicks in a short amount of time and STILL this page loaded slowly.

Also how does a few people not having problems suddenly mean the FAR more who are haing major issues are the ones who are the exception?

I do have the problem. I about every 5 clicks I get a time out.

You cant expect people read every topics in here.

Especially now, when 9/10 page loads are "OOOOPS, Cant connect to invisionpower.com" :D

That isnt in this topic. You cant expect people read every topics in here. You cant say "they asked you to contact them", if that conversation is somewhere else. No one had sayd me anything about giving IP*s.

Again, they havent asked me anything.

We're off topic from the OP. And the appropriate topic is which I linked you too. I did state as well that we should get back on topic but we failed to do that here, and that's why this topic should be closed and another topic opened regarding Social Media without the distraction of the DDOS issue. Yes it's talking about the downtime and how they should post about it on the social media outlets to be more transparent. But this topic has definitely derailed and should be continued where the original discussion about these issues is taking place.

And what do they need to ask you? Clearly they are doing something wrong here, so what is expected of them? To post the same information in every thread that might be discussing something about the current situation at hand? They know there is an issue, so what more do you want from them?

good lord. this is getting f**king ridiculous.

they are aggressively filtering.

it causes issues for many.

theres nothing else that can be done.

I have no idea what the size of the ddos is but a 10Gbps can easily be 15k or more distinct machines/bots/infected pc's involved.

it can't be helped.

better slow and unstable than completely shut down for a few days.

Shortly after this site went normal again, xenforo.com became slow and then unreachable. Could be related.

Anyway, it would look professional and be helpful if social media would inform why customers cant reach your website.

good lord. this is getting f**king ridiculous.
they are aggressively filtering.
it causes issues for many.
theres nothing else that can be done.
I have no idea what the size of the ddos is but a 10Gbps can easily be 15k or more distinct machines/bots/infected pc's involved.

it can't be helped.
better slow and unstable than completely shut down for a few days.

Exactly. It seems like its difficult to understand though.

To post the same information in every thread that might be discussing something about the current situation at hand? They know there is an issue, so what more do you want from them?

How about sending simple email to all customers, telling that therse is an issue and they are working on it. Is that too much to ask? We are paying customers. Telling that in some random topic in here where people cant even read it , is just silly.

And you IPB fan boys yelling and screaming for them doesnt help eather. When you talk to me like i was an idiot, it just make me mad. You don't help this, you really dont.






(the IPS community is not your life, service will return normally when ready)

  • Management

Oh my goodness.

It's just a community guys, keep calm. You're all too young to get your blood pressure up. :hyper:

The client center is and always has been accessible. It is only this community that was impacted and long-timers here will also note this generally happens around every big release. It's just the nature of the beast and how I'm not an alcoholic by now is beyond me. :smile:

A few final points.

1) This has nothing to do with 3.4 though I understand the perception.

2) I've had the mitigation profile loosened slightly so we should be seeing less false positives at this point.

3) Ping floods from those "services" are going to get other legitimate users blocked. We start with filtering individual IPs, but then move to netblocks if we receive two perceived attacks from two IPs in the same subnet.

4) This doesn't impact the bulk of users. There's no need to send out e-mail blasts or post other information that gives the attackers the sense of satisfaction of in believing they may be succeeding.

5) Relax. Everything will be ok. :smile:

If you have any further problems, please visit the client area and provide us with your IP address ( http://ip.ipslink.com )

Thanks for your patience. I know it's been frustrating (for us too.)


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