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Social Media / Downtime awareness


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Our site isn't actually down, and hasn't really been down for days. The problem is, the DDOS mitigation we have in effect right now can block legitimate users sometimes, so it may SEEM down to you, when in reality the server is up and running fine.

Like most businesses out there, we do not publish a running list of every time our server goes down, the reason, what was done to resolve it, etc. We simply get it back online and continue on with our duties.


Like most businesses out there, we do not publish a running list of every time our server goes down, the reason, what was done to resolve it, etc. We simply get it back online and continue on with our duties.

This creates a terrible impression of your software if no reason is given, but it's your choice I guess. Version 3.4 is the buggiest, slowest, least performant version of your software that you have put out to date. Quite simply, it doesn't work and puts community members who upgrade to it at risk of having their own community fail to work.

Am I wrong? Yes. But that's not the impression you are making here when people are kept in the dark about what is going on. Instead.. we blame your software, not hackers.


This creates a terrible impression of your software if no reason is given, but it's your choice I guess.

It's nothing to do with IPS software. When under attack IPS take action to mitigate the attack. This means that some people may be blocked when their traffic is "genuine", for want of a better word. An attack of this nature is designed to overload servers so that they cannot respond to legitimate traffic, so before the filtering has begun then you will get timeouts.

I've upgraded to 3.4 and the performance is on par with the previous releases. I have experienced no downtime or performance lapses as a result of using it. In fact, I have one forum on 3.3.4 and one forum on 3.4, on the same server, and I am happier with 3.4.

You cannot just connect the effects of a DDOS attack to the quality of the 3.4 release, they are NOT related.

Welcome to the internet.

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You can always check www.ipshosting.net :)

We are DDoS'd nearly every major release. The fanboys and script kiddies never fail to disappoint. :)


Our site isn't actually down, and hasn't really been down for days. The problem is, the DDOS mitigation we have in effect right now can block legitimate users sometimes, so it may SEEM down to you, when in reality the server is up and running fine.

I have to agree with mat206 here, after you guys switched to 3.4 is when you said you started to get DDoS'd which gives the impression that it could be 3.4 related. Do I think it is? No, I understand the technical side of blocking DDoS attacks & I know it isn't fun nor simple. But looking in as a guest seeing this there is no access to see that you are getting DDoS'd (the only mention of this that I could find was in a topic in the client area.)

It also might be worth it to post some details on how you guys stopped the DDoS attack (if possible) because forums seem to be a pretty common target for these kinds of attacks. It could benefit some of your customers that might face the same situation in the future.

It's nothing to do with IPS software. When under attack IPS take action to mitigate the attack. This means that some people may be blocked when their traffic is "genuine", for want of a better word. An attack of this nature is designed to overload servers so that they cannot respond to legitimate traffic, so before the filtering has begun then you will get timeouts.

You cannot just connect the effects of a DDOS attack to the quality of the 3.4 release, they are NOT related.

You are correct that it is NOT related, however given the timing of the problems & no public side information on what was going on, one could easily put 2 and 2 together and get the wrong impression.

You can always check www.ipshosting.net :smile:

I'd like to point back to my original post ;)

Same with the status page, it feels like it is lacking on information (and I'm guessing community.lw.ipslink.com is this forum.) What issues, when were they found, when was it last update, etc. All those questions that are left unanswered.

At the very least, add some timestamps so we know when IPS acknowledged an issue. Is this issue 2 weeks old, 2 hours old, etc.

"There are currently no known service issues."


Please fix your server. This is rediculous. How do i get support if site is gone most of the time.


If you read the rest of this thread, your question is already answered. There is not a service issue.


Please fix your server. This is rediculous. How do i get support if site is gone most of the time.

While it might be because a few other people clicked the link, I think the results speak for themselves. Yes, its not a server issue... but man, your filtering is way too tight.

yeah, bfarber, and that mitigation is NOT a solution. How is making the forums impossible forr us to browse solving anything whatsoever? So because the server is "technically up", it's a solution? I'm getting really tired of wasting countless time all day long trying to make posts and you're talking like it's problem solved.


I feel like I need to leave this link here:


It's what I posted in the other topic.

I feel that most people here have never had a DDOS against them in some manner, whether it been a small scale or large scale. Seriously, the site is running fine right now. If you're having issues, you might want to check with how you are doing things. Or as stated in the other topic, contact support with your IP. It's simple.

So can we stop turning these topics into a flame fest against IPS?


I feel that most people here have never had a DDOS against them in some manner, whether it been a small scale or large scale. Seriously, the site is running fine right now. If you're having issues, you might want to check with how you are doing things. Or as stated in the other topic, contact support with your IP. It's simple.

The site might be running fine, but their filtering is a little too strict IMO. Being DDoS'd is no fun, I know. Been there, done that and hope to never have to deal with it again. But when quite a few people are complaining that they are running into issues still, don't you think you'd want to check to verify that your setup is indeed correct and not being overly aggressive?

In any case, this thread was a suggestion to increase transparency to the clients. Nothing outside of the client forums (which you cannot access if a) you're logged out or b) the site is filtering you) states there is a problem (which, there is - they are / were getting DDoS'd.) Something as simple as "We're experiencing slower response times on the community forums" on their facebook/twitter accounts would help. Or have a note on the status page / client area.

Obviously. This community gives my Chrome "OOOPS, cant connect to community.invisionpower.com" errors all the time. Main site doesnt.

It really doesnt help me that staff says "i dont have any issues". There are something "broken", please fix it.


Flame fest? You are kidding, right?

Btw, i have no trouble browsing main site, its this subdomain what hangs.

See pings



You seriously have issues with this site. Please dont just ignore it.

No I'm not kidding because that is exactly what is happening. They are clearly aware of the issue and have stated it multiple times. And they have told people multiple times what to do and not do. There are people besides staff members that are saying they aren't having any issues as well.

Yes they haven't posted it on Social Media as the OP is talking about, which isn't what they focus on. (But it could be helpful in the future if they make a bigger push on social media)

But if you go look at the other thread I stated that I was not having issues until I decided to do a tracert to the server. And that's when it blocked me for a short period, and it was stupid on my part for even trying that right now knowing what they have in place.

But lets get back on topic of Social Media and leave the ranting of the "downtime" that isn't really "downtime" to the other topic that is pages long now.


"People" cant fix this, IPB staff can ;)

Let me spell this out in really simple terms.
Www.invisionpower.com has one IP number (**.**.**.**2), which is the same as for invisionpower.com, via cname, but the reverse is corp01.lw.ipslink.com.
Community.invisionpower.com has one IP number (**.**.**.**7), but the reverse is community.lw.ipslink.com.
Notice that the redacted IP addresses end in different numbers and their reverse is a different host name. That second IP the one is under attack and they are filtering traffic which causes this domain to time out. Untill the attack stops, or they white list your IP Address (if they are even whitelisting), if you move around this site too fast the mitigation rules are going to drop your connection.


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