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New Seo Update Suggestion

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That is "forum, topic, user" because its a general words and readable.

What i think the solution is by using forum, topic, user. why IP.Board not pick the short ? like "f,t,u" ? IP.Board can surf with the short codes also. and Google or other search engines will not detect this word. because all the major search engines will not consider 1 word as the site most useful keyword.

As you know that this word is appearing all url. it means if we have 1000 topic so 1000 time topic word detect. so IP.Board should be use t instead full topic.

This is the simple concept and before the same thing implemented by IP.Board paid Seo modification for 2.3.6 version. they use short word like f, t, m etc.

I think this technique can be reduce these useless words. and we then also use the board in sub diectory with name "forum, forums o topic or board etc".

Okay so let's say you have a community centered around the latest Batman movie and it's rather busy. Someone goes to Google and searches for "batman forums" and lots of sites pop up.. except yours because Google only finds a few references to the word 'forums' because you've all but eliminated that word from existence on your site, where as your community would have been one of the first had you been using it. Or let's say someone does a search for words like "topic" or "users" or "blog", etc. Now from what little I know, and maybe I'm bass-ackwards on this, but I'd think the words being used would increase your chances of the words matching your site instead of NOT matching. What's your allergy to the structure anyway?

I'm going to call a spade a spade here. I think you had a thought, were under the belief that you had a revelation about something that eluded everyone else and so you posted about it. I'm sure it was with good intentions as well, so nothing bad. After making your post, you realized that there were some very major flaws in your idea but instead of saying, "Oh, oops, overlooked that," you're trying to recover by continuing on the same discussion but from a different approach, with the hopes that we'll think that we missed something obvious. If I'm right about this, then hey, no biggie, we all have those moments where we think we've come across something brilliant only to realize that "OOOOPS" we had a mistake in what we were thinking. Seriously though, I think that's what happened here and if so, oh well, it happens to everyone at some time or another, so no shame to it.

If I'm wrong about that all then oh well, had the thought and wanted to toss it out there. Regardless of the reason, I doubt you'll find much support for what you're suggesting unless you can demonstrate how it would be an increased benefit for the change to be made.
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The huge amount of development needed to ensure a unique ID for each piece of content isn't worth the slim-to-none SEO gain.

Google and friends aren't dumb. They can figure out our URLs just fine.

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I'm going to call a spade a spade here. I think you had a thought, were under the belief

that you had a revelation about something that eluded everyone else and so you posted about

it. I'm sure it was with good intentions as well, so nothing bad. After making your post,

you realized that there were some very major flaws in your idea but instead of saying, "Oh,

oops, overlooked that," you're trying to recover by continuing on the same discussion but

from a different approach, with the hopes that we'll think that we missed something

obvious. If I'm right about this, then hey, no biggie, we all have those moments where we

think we've come across something brilliant only to realize that "OOOOPS" we had a mistake

in what we were thinking. Seriously though, I think that's what happened here and if so,

oh well, it happens to everyone at some time or another, so no shame to it.

If I'm wrong about that all then oh well, had the thought and wanted to toss it out there.

Regardless of the reason, I doubt you'll find much support for what you're suggesting

unless you can demonstrate how it would be an increased benefit for the change to be made.

Sorry to say, but i wanna ask you. Do you posting from the Toilet ? because this type of

deep thinking only have an story writers. who write thirller stories. I don't remmeber the

news i heared that research found them ost of the "Deep thinker" or "Story writer" thinking

good in the Toilet timings. and i tryed it before myself. nothink thik more except "stunk".

We are not bidding here on right or wrong. Just a discussion about URLs. and if you visit

my profile so you will sure find that how many times i have asking for this. too much

concer on SEO. i have write many things that after IP.Board implement. but my style is

different then the other one so In my opion i will not describly define my view. so

IP.Board not taken my suggesstion but the same suggestion/complain/bug taken others who

actually define it.

I admit here that my English is not Good. so thats why i have littlebit problem to define

this. but kindly don't mind any thing. we just dicuss the issue which i think are

"changeable" and all of you are think "Not changeable".

Google and friends aren't dumb. They can figure out our URLs just fine.

Hi Matt,

They are really not dumb. but at the end. "Programing Bots". Google have no tools to ignore or delete keywords being found in search. but have a advanced tool which not really help you to showing those bugy URLs as well as bugy response codes. and you can remove them without any issue. but what we do with these useless Keywords ? that are not editable nor deletable ?

So my Point is remove or short the following useless keywords that millions of forum websites Generally have.

like: "forum, topic, user" etc.

In short, I'M talking about onsite/onpage IP.Board optimization.

They are editable, much as you refuse to admit it, and you can feel free to do as you state removing them and watch both IPB and the crawlers rip you to shreds.
I would like to know how you can understand yourself with the above ^ paragraphs, insulting another’s intelligence while mangling a language does nothing to help.

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If you're concerned with keywords then that's when you start developing the content on your

site. URLs don't control everything.

Content is king. Hehe.

My dear, if you read basic SEO, you will found that. without Good and friendly structure of

website. Your "king content" is like a Crocodile without Water. just lazy, sleepy.

and once again, you can oh-so happily make that change, doing so within IP.Board for

existing customers as the stock would not be SEO-Friendly at all when known urls suddenly

404 for every IPB owner.

Also, there are but 26 latin characters, you would limit the entire FURL system for

applications to such a finite number?

I'M not understand in which sense you are talking about for 404 ? I think your point is to

old structure to new structure 404 not found error. if Yes, So. you are IP.Board developer.

and you better know how to deal with 404. instead 404, why not "301 parmanent redirect to

new URLs ?

So you see the writing on the wall... Finally... You can edit the FURL templates

yourself easily to make your site operate this way..... But now you're talking about

changing the URL structure for ALL other IP.Board owners. Talk about throwing a nuke on

your SEO rankings... How does that help?

Friend, If you read my topic once again, so at the end, i already request for additional

"301 parmanent redirect" URLs modification. suppose if my board run since 5 years, that

have 1 lakh topics. how can i manually 301 to new fURL ? if IP.Board provide any tool. I

Will do.

you don’t need to have 26 applications to hit that Lucy, just 26 unique content types.... forums has an immediate 2

Marcher are you talking about number 2 position or no.2 page ?, There are millions of website that have 100 types of content. but they really not appearing on number 2. but I'M talking no.1 position. not no.2 or 3. if i have unique content.

You guys are focusing on a minor thing. I'm sure if you reached z, you could jump to aa, ab, ac, and so forth.

I don't know why this short words going to the end to Z. these are static words. same as "foum, topic, user". I think you are reading it wrongly. I'M not talking about IDs here. I'M talking about to short the general words "forum to f, topic to t and user to u". and its not going to the end.
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I would like to know how you can understand yourself with the above ^ paragraphs, insulting another’s intelligence while mangling a language does nothing to help.

@Marcher, I'M not insulting anyone here. I M sorry if you thought. but the person is trying to Force "Sorry" relization o me. with his "Deep" thinking. so i directly answer HIM. with an research of "Scientists" that i heared before. I don't know why you thought its Insulting ?

But iwould ask you here that, What are the manners in your opinion ? "To Force "Admit sorry" relization to anyone ? if Yes, so i m not agree with YOU.

Intasar... Prove your point... You are throwing out examples and saying, my way is better... Back it up.. Sources? Screenshots from your 'superior' app. Something.

Prove your point... Also, you might consider using google translate and typing in your own language.. Your post above makes absolutely no sense in English...

Ignore Wolfie.. He talks to hear himself talk...

@Marcher, I'M not insulting anyone here. I M sorry if you thought. but the person is trying to Force "Sorry" relization o me. with his "Deep" thinking. so i directly answer HIM. with an research of "Scientists" that i heared before. I don't know why you thought its Insulting ?

But iwould ask you here that, What are the manners in your opinion ? "To Force "Admit sorry" relization to anyone ? if Yes, so i m not agree with YOU.

You're better off putting wolfie on your ignore list. Trust me.

i was speaking of pure irrelevancy, how many letters in your narrow FURL vision would be taken by just the forums.
And for the love of ***, you want a redirector? fine, hook-able, always WAS..... first time you put in a bad redirect(you will, look at you, trying to reduce all furls to one virtual directory) and come whining at the creator will be the instant it gets pulled.

Intasar... Prove your point... You are throwing out examples and saying, my way is better... Back it up.. Sources? Screenshots from your 'superior' app. Something.

Prove your point... Also, you might consider using google translate and typing in your own language.. Your post above makes absolutely no sense in English...

Ignore Wolfie.. He talks to hear himself talk...

He said that wolfie was trying to be philosophical so he copy pasted a philosophical response. Then he told Marcher to stop forcing him to accept our viewpoint and instead listen to him.

Basically a lot of irony in one post.
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My point is very clear for every one. If the person have deep knowledge of SEO.

I will write again for your understanding. its really more strange for me to hearing from you that you are not understanding my english. and its happen after i write "I admit that my english is littlebit bad".

I'M trying to say that, if i have forum from 2 years old. and i change its fURL to my desire. so how can i redirect all of them to the new URLs with an "301 parmanent redirect response" ? Thats why i add in my first post that IP.Board need to build additional feature for "301 parmanent redirect". So if we delete/change or repost any of the topic so we can easly "301 redirect" them.

Basically a lot of irony in one post.


Its not a basically irony, but Yes, responce of irony. Basically irony was wolfie post that i feel. but I'M sorry if he hurt or mind.

and Thanks for your help.

I get the 301 part.

You still have yet to explain the SEO benefits other than to say we all are apparently clueless about SEO.

My point, enlighten us. Support your argument with facts and documented explanations.

  • Author

You are involving in my topic from the start. and you keep argumenting. I don't know which types of "Document" you want ?

Its very simple: here i take Aisha forum example for you.
Here is the URL


You can see, my talk with proof. "forums" and forum" 2 time, same word. Did you not think we can use our most obident word here ?

Did you know that every search engine have limit to read URLs or showing them in Search? if not Please read basic SEO first.

If you read Google quality specified guidlines they are also said: "Don't load pages with irrelevant keywords." "We were also asked if it is useful to have relevant keywords in URLs."

and you know that keywords could be anywhere, in page, in image, in css, in javascript and in URLs too. they also added in few place that "Whenever possible, shorten URLs by trimming unnecessary parameters." IP.board have trimming parameters. and now we are talking about to short the URLs by reducing useless "keywords". so this is + benefits.

for more specifically and well documented discussion HERE on Google official blog. Please read the every coment if you want to pick the Ranking signs. that describe what secret is hidden in URLs.

I also want to aware one more big thing here. that you guys can't imagine at all.

Google have started blocking "directories" wise URLs. for example if you have a public forum. someone posted copyright thing. so Google block the URL on their first notice like "domain.com/topic/123-Title/" but if they receive 2 and 3 more complain against your site they should block the whole topic directory.

What i'm talking is already implemented in VB. as well as IP.Board old SEO Modification for V2.3.6,

for example what i talk: the following site forum link.


and topic link


IP.Board can implement this, so the new URLs structure likely to be


same for users and topics. this will result maximum with simple short URLs. and application can easily undersand what user asking and what show by based on short directory wise word f, t, u.

You're contradicting yourself here...

It's always advisable to use static content with static URLs as much as possible, but in cases where you decide to use dynamic content, you should give us the possibility to analyze your URL structure and not remove information by hiding parameters and making them look static.

Your argument of /forum/forum is invalid. That's a webmaster installation issue and they should handle it themselves by changing the FURL for 'forum' to something else.

That article from google says to give them as much information as possible that isn't irrelavent. I'd say that what IPS is doing is correct. They are serving up as much information in the link as is relevant to the search engines...

Full keywords are much more relevant than single characters and an ID. Not only for the search engine, but for human readability. Yes, you can put your keywords elsewhere, meta tags, etc... But all you're talking about doing is removing keywords from the URL and replacing them with meaningless letters. Now the URL loses that keyword and only has a single character to let the search engine determine if the content is unique... Which it's doing anyway with the full FURL. How does that improve SEO?

So google will block entire directories... I doubt that's anything new... Why bring this up this late in the discussion? Again, link?

When I ask for 'documentation', I'm looking for you to provide links to official articles, not comments, that show what you're saying to be true.

I should note here... Those comments on the article are useless. Nobody knows who is posting those and none of them are cited. I can only go based on what the Google article says. Remember, just because you read it on the interwebs doesn't mean it's true. Also, that article is 4 years old. I'm quite sure that crawlers have evolved since then. You'll want something more recent to cite.


Omg stalker, why do you know I use that name? o.o;

Except the difference is that I don't care that my URL is like that. Because I don't think it matters. As far as I'm concerned, having forum as a keyword is a good thing because I want people to find my site when they google "HSDK forums" and "Kenichi Forums". :3

vBulletin SEO uses such a solution:


so forum is showed with f and ID, but the topic without any letter.

Their seo is not so bad. This is an example of the biggest and very good visible in Google polish site about smart phones

Finally, an example of something real in action...

That showcases a major difference from what IP.Board does. IP.Board does not serve up the ID of the 'forum' in the URL when viewing a topic... The ID of the forum is only show in the URL when actually browsing that forum. Only the ID of the 'topic' is shown.

Sorry to say, but i wanna ask you. Do you posting from the Toilet ? because this type of

deep thinking only have an story writers. who write thirller stories. I don't remmeber the

news i heared that research found them ost of the "Deep thinker" or "Story writer" thinking

good in the Toilet timings. and i tryed it before myself. nothink thik more except "stunk".

I do my posting from my computer which is not in the bathroom nor is it reachable from a toilet. I do my thinking with my brain regardless of what I'm doing. Also, contrary to what a couple of people have said/implied, I don't talk to hear myself talk. (What would be the point of typing up words? If I wanted to hear myself talk, I could just grab a book and read it out loud, no need to use a computer for that. But I don't do that and I prefer to hear and listen, which I can't do when I'm talking. I'm sure you get the point and they each have their personal agendas, so I wouldn't rely on them for who to ignore or not. The fact that you know who one of them is should tell you just how UNreliable that person is.)

I admit here that my English is not Good. so thats why i have littlebit problem to define

this. but kindly don't mind any thing. we just dicuss the issue which i think are

"changeable" and all of you are think "Not changeable".

I don't recall anyone saying that things are not changeable. Multiple times you have been told that you can change the structure for your site, so you can use "f123-forum-name" or something like that if you want. No, what people have tried to tell you is that such a change won't make a big difference, if any at all, except to take a huge HIT in rankings. In other words, changing the structure would HURT not help.

People have also told you about providing some proof of what you're saying. No proof = not going to happen, period. With proof = possible. Show research and findings written up by reliable sources as well as showing a charts that clearly show the difference in rankings based solely on the URL structure and people will pay attention and think about what you're saying. Otherwise, you're fighting a losing battle.

My dear, if you read basic SEO, you will found that. without Good and friendly structure of

website. Your "king content" is like a Crocodile without Water. just lazy, sleepy.

Seeing "forum" or "topic" in a URL seems much friendlier to me than "f" or "t", because for all I know, "f" and "t" could mean things like "farts" and "turds" and if I'm looking to read content from forums/topics, I could be going into a site that I'd rather not know ever existed. Only way it could be friendlier is if it were to say "please" and "thank you" to me during my visit.

I'M not understand in which sense you are talking about for 404 ? I think your point is to

old structure to new structure 404 not found error. if Yes, So. you are IP.Board developer.

and you better know how to deal with 404. instead 404, why not "301 parmanent redirect to

new URLs ?

Let's ignore the 404's and say that the old structure redirected to the new structure. That would still cause a massive drop in rankings until the engines got it all sorted out. Unless a new structure is going to improve their ratings by a significant amount, no one is going to want it to change because they don't want to get hit with low rankings, even if it's temporary.

I don't know why this short words going to the end to Z. these are static words. same as "foum, topic, user". I think you are reading it wrongly. I'M not talking about IDs here. I'M talking about to short the general words "forum to f, topic to t and user to u". and its not going to the end.

You missed the point, likely due to the language barrier.

Let's say all the 'keywords' were shorted. So forums becomes 'f', topics becomes 't', downloads becomes 'd', an individual file in the downloads becomes 'f'... Oh wait, 'f' is for forums, so what do we use for 'files'? Oh I know, 'i' for 'individual file'. Moving on, gallery becomes 'g' and image becomes 'i'.. Oh wait, problem there.. Well I'm sure it could all be sorted out... But once we're done, when someone looks at the URL, how do they know what each letter means? Yeah, that's friendly alright... NOT!

Seriously, if you want that structure for yourself, go ahead and make the changes necessary. But I'm sure I speak for a large number of people here when I say that no one wants to take a hit (drop) in rankings just to change the structure just because you think it would help despite your not providing proof.

vBulletin SEO uses such a solution:


so forum is showed with f and ID, but the topic without any letter.

Yeah and here's a HUGE, and I am talking about ENORMOUS flaw with that structure. As Awia pointed out, the structure includes the forum ID in the URL, so obviously the number at the end can be logically deduced to be part of the forum structure and not meant for something else. What if someone moves the topic from one forum to another? That URL will either be broken or will have to redirect to the correct URL. Either way, a hit will be taken.

Worse yet, what if a large number of topics are moved from one forum to another? Let's say the admin restructures their community and so thousands of topics are juggled around so the forum ID's are different. Can you imagine the drop in rankings that site would suffer? They'd be better off swimming in the sewer at that point.

So yeah, no need to use the word 'topic' or a letter of 't', but at a price that could cause you a lot of trouble down the road.

guys this is one of the possible solution.
I was using vBSEO on one of my sites and there was probably 4 or 5 ways to set up links - with hierachical way and with flat way we have now in ipb.

results for G was really good but I decided to give up 2 boards - my time was so expensive for me that I wanted to spend it only on sw for boards, because the functionality for me was on same level

guys this is one of the possible solution.

I was using vBSEO on one of my sites and there was probably 4 or 5 ways to set up links - with hierachical way and with flat way we have now in ipb.

We weren't debating on the quality of vB SEO, only the link that was used as an example.
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I love SEO topics.

I love SEO topics.

Then participate in one.

I love SEO topics.

I love how people don't get the concept of 'proof'. Some people admit up front that they can't give it, so they at least acknowledge it. But some think that saying something is true is 'proof'.

Edit to add: I also love when trolls realize that they are play things to me... They avoid me like the plague and try to get others to participate in a discussion.
  • Management

I love how people don't get the concept of 'proof'. Some people admit up front that they can't give it, so they at least acknowledge it. But some think that saying something is true is 'proof'.

You cannot prove SEO any more than you can disprove it. One "expert" will say one thing and another will come along just as fast and contradict it. This topic is a good example of that :smile:

IPS tends to read all the information out there and pick items that are logical. We have heard every ridiculous SEO "trick" in the book at this point. On the rare occasion someone gives SEO-related feedback that makes sense we certainly do implement it but that is indeed quite rare.

Regarding this topic: the poster is making the argument that /forums/forum/1234-name is bad because of two instances of the word forum. Well first of all the first instance is their choice. I would suggest the word "community" instead. More importantly: if you think Google or any other search engine cannot figure that out and/or really give THAT much weight to what are basically directories in a URL then you're really not giving the engineers at these search engine companies much credit.

What's important is content discovery, not presenting the same content more than once to a bot, and presenting content in an organized fashion ready for bot consumption. Those are areas where we have received good feedback on and have implemented some major changes in the upcoming 3.4 based on that feedback.

The best SEO advice I can give is to spend more time creating a great community and less time obsessing about a word in a URL :)

There is that one valid point by OP here IMHO, something that Content does automatically, the 301 url memory handling.... just wanted to say that. :)


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