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Download: Power Contest


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File Name: Power Contest

File Submitter: NathanR

File Submitted: 13 Jun 2012

File Category: Applications

Supported Versions: IP.Board 3.1.x, IP.Board 3.2.x

This is an application for IP.Board that allows you to run contests on your forums based off users posts and topics.

-Contest Start Date
-Contest End Date
-Define how many points New Topics are worth
-Define how many points New Posts are worth
-Exclude certain BoardID's
-Minimum characters for a post to qualify

Support: http://forums.digitizedesign.com/forum/133-power-contest/

Click here to download this file

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 1 month later...

ok.. what if I tell you that I have about 200 forums... then what??

This mod is awesome, but it's also trash since it will only work for small forums.

I'm not gonna sit down and write 200 different IDs.

It would be nice if you could make it more user friendly.

I think you could put your feedback and requests in a more polite way.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 9 months later...

Does this work on 3.4.x?

Nope it does not, actually working on updating now, will release probably later tonight/tomorrow.

ok.. what if I tell you that I have about 200 forums... then what??

This mod is awesome, but it's also trash since it will only work for small forums.

I'm not gonna sit down and write 200 different IDs.

It would be nice if you could make it more user friendly.

Hmm...good question. What type of selector do you have in mind that would be easier? Maybe like a multiselect listbox?

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  • 1 year later...


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