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All IPB forums breaching EU law

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There is a real difference between malum in se laws and malum prohibitum laws. Most malum prohibitum laws (as this one is), needs to be ignored, actively. The politicians who thought they were a good idea, needs to be laughed fror office.

Yo may be a subject and not a citizen, but you have a duty to ignore these silly laws.

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Interesting topic. The people who are simply stating this law is an ass, well you're right, but the ICO are now enforcing laws to generate an income and justify their existence like other departments, maybe not yet with this cookie law but they will in the future. For now the fear of possibly being named and shamed will be enough for many


The gravy-train.

It's the no-smoking law in Nazi Germany in the 1930s. The frightened limbic creatures we are, cowering in the corner "I'm sorry I'm sorry please, just let me have my car and, my, my..."

Which is essentially what the EU is. It's just the new vehicle for the Nazi'ism or the Nazi that never went away, whom in fact were protected and embedded in witness protection type programs. See 'Ratlines' / 'Project Paperclip' etc etc - The Vatican and the Church issuing all the most henious Nazi torturers and masterminds South American passports - of course they were.

It's more difficult now, because the nazi (well it's deeper than 'Nazi' and goes back much further in his-story) is now working from inside each countries third sector and government (have you been wondering why everythings been going down the pan for decades?) And in England's case (where I'm from) we have the German 'Queen'. Obsessed with blood lineage. And it ain't about a German Queen sitting on a British throne with alegiences to Germany. This lot think they transcend race or nationality. They think they're better than the Human Being full-stop. Some sort of super-breed I mean these people are psycopaths.

Bare in mind that every new law and statute in the UK and the EU, is signed off by Elizabeth Windsor* in each and every instance. People don't realise that. She's approved everything mind you.

You know in England there is a 'law' that dictates that if a horse owner has over one ton** of horse dung piled on their property they have to pay tax on it? And if that sounds absolutely insane to you, it's the tip of the iceberg mate.

...........They're laughing at us.

* - It may even be the case in America I don't know I haven't got all my docs here. If it isn't on paper, in reality she's signing all the Laws off in America too by proxy. It's all one in the same dirty, cancerous, putrified organism.

** - If I recall correctly.

Godwin :ph34r:

mountains out of molehills like, people just love a good whinge. Alot of ott debate over something no one is going out of there way to make you do yet (yes i know tip of the iceberg and all that...), it'd be a lot easier if someone knocked up a quick example to lob into your template to cover it.
then if you think its pointless don't bother, but its there if you want.


I had no idea there was an ongoing debate on this topic.

We host our forum in the UK and therefore it is us not IPB that has the responsibility to adhere to EU law.

Therefore I still go back to the fact that compliances with your laws is something only you can do. We provide tools to help you do that of course.

Having had a cursitory read of info on the matter it would seem what we may need is;

1) An ability to update the login box (and/or forum front page) with an 'alert' function so we can display the required 'cookie' notice.

2) The optional addition of a checkbox on the notice confirming acceptance or otherwise to make the alert go away.

The fact that 'implied consent' can be assumed is likely to mean that this is all that is required.

I also suspect the addition of an alert function of this type to the IPB forums would be useful for more than just EU cookie laws. :smile:

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as a mean evil badguy hard right conservative (and btw that does not mean GOP) this topic has cheered me up on people in general :smile:

  • 1 month later...

it makes me laugh how the unthinking fascists are slagging off the EU, while happily bending over for every BigCorp in the world and thinking they're the nice guys. :lol:

The EU might not be perfect, but at least it's trying to be something different to the USA's ostrich act. Yeah, we know, guns don't kill people ... but Americans with guns kill more of themselves than Al-Qaeda will ever manage. But that's alright, at least they've consented to be shot by their countrymen, eh? :lol:

I also suspect the addition of an alert function of this type to the IPB forums would be useful for more than just EU cookie laws. [img]


This ^^

There needs to be a way of easily inserting one php include at the top of *all* skins.

I can make my website comply with the EU cookie law with ease, it's ten minutes work (less time than I spent reading this thread!!).

I can't make IPB easily comply with the EU cookie law.

it makes me laugh how the unthinking fascists are slagging off the EU, while happily bending over for every BigCorp in the world and thinking they're the nice guys. :lol:

The EU might not be perfect, but at least it's trying to be something different to the USA's ostrich act. Yeah, we know, guns don't kill people ... but Americans with guns kill more of themselves than Al-Qaeda will ever manage. But that's alright, at least they've consented to be shot by their countrymen, eh? :lol:

This ^^

There needs to be a way of easily inserting one php include at the top of *all* skins.

I can make my website comply with the EU cookie law with ease, it's ten minutes work (less time than I spent reading this thread!!).

I can't make IPB easily comply with the EU cookie law.

How so? there exist two different nag mods serve no more purpose than to literally pop-up and show such text to the user... one spec to this cookie law and another dot's any message you want about.... :unsure:
And there is an easy way to do just what you said.... is a 10-minute template hook into the globalTemplate.

How so? there exist two different nag mods serve no more purpose than to literally pop-up and show such text to the user... one spec to this cookie law and another dot's any message you want about.... :unsure:

eh? I don't understand what you've said there. Could you please be clearer?

And there is an easy way to do just what you said.... is a 10-minute

template hook

into the globalTemplate.

That is not "just what" I said. It's a template hook which works on just one skin, not a method to php-include in all skins.

eh? I don't understand what you've said there. Could you please be clearer?

That is not "just what" I said. It's a template hook which works on just one skin, not a method to php-include in all skins.

In what bleeding universe? Template Hooks affect any skin that has the hook point.
if that is not good enough... your can directly overload the whole globalTemplate with a skin overloader.... add your... w/e and return the parent modified.... confused.

How so? there exist two different nag mods serve no more purpose than to literally pop-up and show such text to the user... one spec to this cookie law and another dot's any message you want about.... :unsure:

And there is an easy way to do just what you said.... is a 10-minute

template hook

into the globalTemplate.

I even did it for him..

In what bleeding universe? Template Hooks affect any skin that has the hook point.

if that is not good enough... your can directly overload the whole globalTemplate with a skin overloader.... add your... w/e and return the parent modified.... confused.

OK, my apologies for having misunderstood. But it's not exactly 'easy' all the same, and it's not the way I'll be going.

I even did it for him..

that's only any good if it all fits with the system I've implemented across the rest of my website - which of course it doesn't. And as that mod states for itself, it's crap. ;)

While I wish to comply with EU cookie law, I don't wish to kill my website. That would be just stupid. ;)

, it's crap. ;)

Could you elaborate? :)

OK, my apologies for having misunderstood. But it's not exactly 'easy' all the same, and it's not the way I'll be going.

that's only any good if it all fits with the system I've implemented across the rest of my website - which of course it doesn't.

There is a reason we hook.
You want to hack up your skins? maintain it through IPB updates? You appear to want something custom regardless... you should be going that way if you are sane.

Could you elaborate? :smile:

from that mod's own page....

[color=#444444][font=Verdana, Arial,]Please note: I consider this hook to be extremely bad for User Experience.

There is a reason we hook.

You want to hack up your skins? maintain it through IPB updates? You appear to want something custom regardless... you should be going that way if you are sane.

I have to hack my skins each time IPB does an update anyway, so where's the difference?

I don't wish to add to the load thru the IPB 'engine' when a minimal solution is far far better for an extremely busy site. For some of us, those tiny differences in load get to make a very big difference to site usability at peak loads.

I have to hack my skins each time IPB does an update anyway, so where's the difference?

Not having to at all.... An IPB Update NOT dropping your forum to a full recode for repetitive code across multiple skins, a skin update not costing you your customizations... THAT is PRECISELY the difference between what you do now and hooking.
Also, AFAIK IPB's hook system is lighter at run-time than expression engine extensions, with less bottleneck by far.

Not having to at all.... An IPB Update NOT dropping your forum to a full recode for repetitive code across multiple skins, a skin update not costing you your customizations... THAT is PRECISELY the difference between what you do now and hooking.

you're forgetting that hooking is not maintainence-free, or even guaranteed to work after an update.

Plus, as I said, it comes with overheads - very unnecessary overheads in this instance.

you're forgetting that hooking is not maintainence-free, or even guaranteed to work after an update.

Plus, as I said, it comes with overheads - very unnecessary overheads in this instance.

Can you quantify this? And I do not mean by installing the heaviest mod you can find, I mean with small code chunks.
I am not, maybe once a long version doing some minor maintenance is far preferable to every single point version of every app and skin.

Can you quantify this? And I do not mean by installing the heaviest mod you can find, I mean with small code chunks.

I can't quantify it, no. I'm not so anal to do a full analysis.

But it *is* extra load within the IPB 'engine', which itself knows it has a load issue - which is precisely why there's a need for it to have a 'performance mode' (which is something I have to use at a points).

All I need to do is read a cookie and display a bit of text at the top of the page dependent on that cookie's setting. Nothing of this needs to put anything but the tiniest load onto my server - while doing it thru IPB will put significantly more onto my server.

The difference between methods might be small against what the server is able to handle, but that difference probably amounts to 100 extra users at nearly 10,000 simultaneous users.

I can't quantify it, no. I'm not so anal to do a full analysis.

But it *is* extra load within the IPB 'engine', which itself knows it has a load issue - which is precisely why there's a need for it to have a 'performance mode' (which is something I have to use at a points).

All I need to do is read a cookie and display a bit of text at the top of the page dependent on that cookie's setting. Nothing of this needs to put anything but the tiniest load onto my server - while doing it thru IPB will put significantly more onto my server.

The difference between methods might be small against what the server is able to handle, but that difference probably amounts to 100 extra users at nearly 10,000 simultaneous users.

And whatever do you do when that is not the goal? when you actually need to modify default functionality in an application(not the skin)?
You mod your files too to save this(which, frankly.... I've not heard of, or seen, on forums with >20k online at once... I'm CERTAIN Ryan H and others would have been on this like white on rice as well)?

And whatever do you do when that is not the goal? when you actually need to modify default functionality in an application(not the skin)?

You mod your files too to save this(which, frankly.... I've not heard of, or seen, on forums with >20k online at once... I'm CERTAIN Ryan H and others would have been on this like white on rice as well)?

I can modify the IPB files, that's not a problem.

But it becomes a problem when I'd need to do the same file hacks after each upgrade (been there, done that), which is why an easy way to include a single php-include across all skins would be the ideal solution.

I can modify the IPB files, that's not a problem.

But it becomes a problem when I'd need to do the same file hacks after each upgrade (been there, done that), which is why an easy way to include a single php-include across all skins would be the ideal solution.

That is the problem.... so adverse to hooks you hack up IPB like it was 2.x again?
How is a php include statement lighter than a hook(basically same code in said include, no include run) again?
How is it even as precise? How does it chain(oh wait, I know, it doesn't, you put every single mod you want in the core files every single upgrade, we see how well that has gone for you...)?

an easy way to include a single php-include across all skins would be the ideal solution.

That's a hook...?

That is the problem.... so adverse to hooks you hack up IPB like it was 2.x again?

I don't want to hack it - it's because I don't that I'm posting here. :)

How is a php include statement lighter than a hook(basically same code in said include, no include run) again?

because it's *only* the include, whereas via a hook it's the hook *and* the include.

The difference might be small, but there is a difference. And that small difference can be the difference between my forums continuing to work in a usable manner, and not working at all.

(yes, I could spunk another £5k on bigger/better/more servers, but that requires me to have that £5k, and the inclination to spend it on those servers - which, for the less than 48 hours each year that my servers max out, isn't worth it).

How is it even as precise?

It's no less precise. How could it be? What would get run with any *real* purpose is the include and nothing else.

I don't want to hack it - it's because I don't that I'm posting here. :smile:

because it's *only* the include, whereas via a hook it's the hook *and* the include.

The difference might be small, but there is a difference. And that small difference can be the difference between my forums continuing to work in a usable manner, and not working at all.

(yes, I could spunk another £5k on bigger/better/more servers, but that requires me to have that £5k, and the inclination to spend it on those servers - which, for the less than 48 hours each year that my servers max out, isn't worth it).

It's no less precise. How could it be? What would get run with any *real* purpose is the include and nothing else.

why the heck? if you are hooking in, what the ***** do you need an include for?
You are adding that load yourself, it has nothing to do with hook or not, it has to do with you hell-bent on including files directly instead of said code in said hook.


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