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Users getting mails from the board like this has to stop.


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When a user subscribes to forum and wants to received notification of new posts this is a VERY powerful feature, however there is time when this is a BIG turn off and in a matter of days you will find users UN-Subcribing.
The problem is when you make a post like this.

Scroll down and you will see that the user receives the code that is displaying the video on the forum.

forexfxf has just posted a new topic entitled "17th May Live Trading -14 then + 62" in forum "Learning To Trade Forex - Professionally - Profitably - Consistently".

Just finished the webinar and then two live trades showing you everything just covered. Why is PAT so good? Because you get REAL results CONSISTENTLY. What is the hardest bit for you to learn.........? With PAT it is simple, the hardest thing to learn is to KEEP it simple.

Don't mess and try to RULE impose your trading. Remember that nobody will take a buy trade unless they believe in higher prices and nobody will sell a market unless they believe in lower prices.
Take this FACT and apply it MARKET wide and you are looking at what REALLY moves a market. The ONE SINGLE driving force is reduced in an instant to COLLECTIVE BELIEFS.
Because PAT shows you these collective beliefs you are trading with driving force that creates price difference.

The end result...........? Trading success and 'freedom'

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<param name="type" value="video/quicktime" height="490" width="640">
<embed src="http://www.learningtotrade.com/videos/ForumVids/MayVideos/17thMay2010LiveTrading/17thMay2010LiveTrading.mp4" height="490" width="640" autoplay="false" type="video/quicktime" pluginspage="http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/">

<p><a title="Forex Trading Course" href="http://www.learningtotrade.com/index.html#OrderCourse" target="_blank"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Click Here to order your online forex trading course today, it will be the turning point in your trading career</span> </a>GUARANTEED!</p>


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