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Download: -SRD23- iSkin Gallery

Amged Osman

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File Name: -SRD23- iSkin Gallery
File Submitter: Sacred
File Submitted: 28 Nov 2008
File Category: Components


• ShowCase - Shop - Skin Selector for the skins on your board With Lightbox effect and alot of info.

1- ShowCase For your skins works as a shop and as a Skin selector or even to brag your skins even the free ones
2- Group Permissions.
3- Extra Info on Lightbox Caption
4- Option to View skin or Use skin or even Buy the skin.
5- Turn mod On / Off with single Click from ACP
6- If the skin is free skin it will say free skin! unless your change the price field (read more about that down)

Author Comment
Before you get this mod to be working 100% you need to do a screenshots of your skins and rename it "skin_logo.png", Then upload it to the skin image directory
It must be in ".png" format, the reason i made it that way and must stay in same name, is to allow all skinners to incluse their images along with their skins so it would be viewed on the system if it was ever installed on ANY site not just the skinner site!
Read down to see how too add price to your skins and how to Edit settings

Universal Mod Installer, available from Invision Modding.

Click here to download this file

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