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Arrange in Language Manager for v3.0.3


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All those who have some translated languages need a good language manager...

But, also need a good updating for our languages with no kind of problems...

We translated the language in v3.0.0 or v3.0.1 so we didn't want to "retranslate" again or see all pages again when updating...

When updated from v 3.0.1 to v3.0.2 ALL translated strings appeared as "Out of Date Entries" so it was very, very, very difficult to find the new strings that had to be translated...

For example, "core/public_usercp" has 438 strings, and no more that 20 bits were new, but I had to pass page per page for finding the new strings and translate them and when passed and updated ALL pages then appeared "Out of Date Entries" to be 0 again...

You will say, you should access to a file for translate and use "Outdated strings" and that's what I want !!! but as all strings appears as "Out of Date Entries" then that button filters NOTHING.... :(

Please, arrange this... this is a hard work for me, instead of dedicate less than 1 hour for translating new bits when updating, I have to be near 5 hours passing page per page and translate the bits needed... and you MUST multiply that per 2 because I translate to 2 languages: spanish and catalan which doubles me the problem...

This will be a stop for updating for me, so if you can't arrange this for v3.0.3 PLEASE arrange and get ready for v3.0.4...

Thanks in Advance for your help :thumbsup:


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