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plz hlep

Guest shosha_shady

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Date: Sun, 02 Dec 2007 00:10:01 -0700
Error Number: 2013
Error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query
IP Address:
Page: /index.php
mySQL query error: INSERT INTO ibf_sessions (id,member_name,member_id,member_group,login_type,running_time,ip_address,browse
ocation_3_type,location_3_id) VALUES('8d9b28a6ba4b572bb8c12177f5b471c0','',0,2,0,1196579379,'','Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; MEGAUPLOAD 2.0)','idx,0,',0,'',0,'',0,'',0)
Date: Sun, 02 Dec 2007 01:06:09 -0700
Error Number: 2013
Error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query
IP Address:
Page: /index.php?showtopic=47375
mySQL query error: UPDATE ibf_sessions SET member_name='diaa_3',member_id=25415,member_group=27,login_type=0,running_time=1196582740,locati
on='st',in_error=0,location_1_type='topic',location_1_id=47375,location_2_type='forum',location_2_id=81,location_3_type='',location_3_id=0 WHERE id='bdfc8bbb9bcc609a44b8c63c010418b9'

plz help


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