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Causality filtering, inline conditionals

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A. I would like to see, in a future update, more advanced filtering methods be introduced--not as far as what can be filtered, but in what is meant by filtering. Currently it is a direct text-to-text system; the only factors which play in are the text which is to be filtered and whether it will be filtered tightly [any instance] or casually [standalone]. I would like a new, additional, factor to be introduced in the form of effect. Currently it transfers the said text to the other said text, always, unquestionably. I would like to see options whereby if the said text was found in a post, the text could either be replaced [default, as now], the post/topic it was in could be hidden/queued [I made a modification which does this], the account could be auto-suspended or banned [or given moderator-preview], or 'other' whereby a chunk of code of some sort would be evaluated within context.

2. Inline conditionals--the ability to use conditional statements within a post. When the post in question is loaded, the statement would be evaluated and the contents therein treated accordingly. This might be used for inline messages to a certain person, a user group, the global moderators, the administrators, board moderators, and so on. Taking a different track, it could also be extended such that it might consider the viewer's postcount, the current date/time, and other various factors.

Thanks for your time. :)

Oh yes! like

[user=administrator]Admins suck lol[/user]

Maybe... I dunno. :P

I agree with point A, point 2 looks like it's best left to a mod. That said, it would be cool for users with HTML permissions to have the ability to post IPB HTML logic which would achieve what you're suggesting

I can see how conditional logic could be useful in posts. Perhaps as a toggle in the ACP, to lower parsing time slightly if not desired. The first suggestion is much more useful, but not every administrator would want to set it up and to be effective, it'd require quite a bit of work to design a sutiable interface to allow administrators to define a set of rules. What I'd really like to see is a 'hook' to plop some code in the post parser, though that wouldn't be much use to most admins that don't know PHP. An extension of this idea would be to use multimoderation actions when a certian condition was achieved in the post being filtered.


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