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Easy Ban for Moderators...

Guest WoLeRiNe`

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Yeah there should be some "check for banning" for moderators, which admins approve.

Or supermods can ban.

Or something... solve this "stick you in limbo" which is the only thing moderators can do.


I think the warong system should have a ben check box atleast membername ban till the admins can see wha the member did rong.

In English?

The problem with this is, there is no universal way to 'ban' a member. IPB creates a Banned group by default, but there is nothing stopping you from deleting that group and making a totally different group that is your site's 'Banned' group. Until they make the Banned group act like the other standard groups (Root Admin, Member, Validating, and Guest) than this really can't be done.


I'm not quite sure what you mean Michael. Care to explain a little more please?

And I also would like to be able to give certain members the ability to ban because I'm not always on so I can't always ban people in the heat of the moment you know?


The problem with this is, there is no universal way to 'ban' a member. IPB creates a Banned group by default, but there is nothing stopping you from deleting that group and making a totally different group that is your site's 'Banned' group. Until they make the Banned group act like the other standard groups (Root Admin, Member, Validating, and Guest) than this really can't be done.

Actually, on a fresh install they added a banned_group. However, they didn't make it so on upgrades that one was added. But, users can still add the banned_group manually if upgrading.

In the Warning System:

Enforce moderator preview of all new posts?
Disable this members posting ability
Suspend member's account

Between the three options there should be enough to hold any user off until an administrator is able to login to complete a ban.


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