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Upgrade Problems

Guest xecutionx

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Hello i installed rc release on a test board and gave the upgrade script a shot !!

what i did was

install a fresh 2.1.7 as it was previusly
dumped my databse into it using BigDump
Them overwrite 2.2.rc Files over 2.1.7

The give the url to http://mydomain.com/upgrade

and then after so much of updating and upgrading the upgrade stopped and gave me this error

mySQL query error: UPDATE ibf_conf_settings_titles SET conf_title_title='Board Guidelines',conf_title_desc='This section allows you to maintain your board guidelines. If enabled, a link will be added to the board header linking to the board guidelines.',conf_title_keyword='boardguidelines',conf_title_noshow=0,conf_title_module='' WHERE conf_title_id=1

SQL error: Unknown column 'conf_title_module' in 'field list'
SQL error code: 1054
Date: Thursday 26th of October 2006 03:03:52 AM

the url was at this stage


and even the index page now gving this error

and acp is also not allowing me to login it says ips databse error !!

Now what i did wrong ?? and what should i do

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Oh jeeze that was the first error I got when I upgraded my forum from 2.1.7 to 2.2 RC1. I'm sorry to say that I don't exactly remember what I did to fix it though. I'm sure somebody will be along to help you soon enough though.

This isn't a support forum though remember? Maybe you should head over to IPSBeyond where support for the betas and release candidates is... well... supported ;).

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