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index.php problemo

Guest phoenixcg

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config file:

$INFO['sql_driver'] = 'mysql';
$INFO['sql_host'] = 'localhost';
$INFO['sql_database'] = '_beta';
$INFO['sql_user'] = 'db';
$INFO['sql_pass'] = 'pass';
$INFO['sql_tbl_prefix'] = 'ibf_';
$INFO['sql_debug'] = '1';
$INFO['board_start'] = '1160841280';
$INFO['installed'] = '1';
$INFO['php_ext'] = 'php';
$INFO['safe_mode'] = '0';
$INFO['board_url'] = 'http://www.url.com/beta';
$INFO['admin_group'] = '4';
$INFO['guest_group'] = '2';
$INFO['member_group'] = '3';
$INFO['auth_group'] = '1';
$INFO['mysql_tbl_type'] = 'MyISAM';


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Invision Power Board Encoder Check
PHP Version: 5.0.4
PHP Operating System: Linux
Zend Encoding Available? No
Which Trial Version Can I Use?
Zend is not available. You can use the IonCube encoded version.

You will need to use the following loaders:
PHP Version: Sorry, your PHP version isn't supported. Please see www.ioncube.com for more information.
Running on: Linux

could that be a problem?

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