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Your Group Pre/Suffix & Editor

Guest Roman B.

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I really like the new prefix/suffix of the group poster. But I think it'd be really nice if you could click it to see everyone in that group...

Also with the editor, in the Beta before the one that was released to the public I was able to click the smileys, and I loved how when you hovered over one it highlighted the selection. But now I'm unable to insert a smiley through the left bar. This is with IE6 and Firefox.

Also I like how you implimented the next/previous features on the smileys, but see if anyone else can replicate the following:
Click next, then previous, then previous 2-3 more times, and then you should be stuck at that one screen. Then click next, and previous and you should be back to your start smileys...

Hope I haven't made a topic about something that was already adressed


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