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This new Text Editor

Guest Petrescu

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I'm going to add a button or link (not sure how) that will make the smilies appear to the left like they used to. This option will be saved with a cookie so the next time you visit your RTE it'll automatically open.

I think this is the best 'medium' between those who want a nice clean large uncluttered text area and those who are addicted to emoticons. :)

You can tweak the editor as much as you like, the HTML is no longer in a javascript file and is plain HTML editable via the ACP.

You'll also notice that it'll stay open once you've clicked it.

There's a flag in the skin HTML that allows you to have the panel opened for everyone until they click the "Toggle" button.

So now that the RTE editor can be changed easily via the ACP, does this mean we can have the default behavior of "Toggle Side Panel" to be turned off, rather than on, like it is here? :)
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The "Toggle Side Panel" is way cool. :thumbsup:

Overall, the new editor stomps all over the competition (the Brand 'X' editor look like a toy by comparison). It is clean, professional, extensible, and has the best usability factor yet.


I agree with you, especially since IPB's now works flawlessly with Opera 9, whereas the RTE used in vBulletin, Burning Board, etc. don't. The majority may not use Opera, but it's a huge advantage to have as much cross-browser compatibility as possible. (w00t)

Does anyone know of the new RTE now works with Safari?
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Holy schnikies. I just noticed you can drag and drop links into this new editor!!

see >>


Even from another window!! >>


I love it, lol

Still having problems with the info pops though :|
You can? That's cool. That must be another new feature, too. (w00t) But does this only work with Firefox? I can't seem to drag-and-drop in IE7.
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One thing I would like to see is a message somewhere telling you that you are either using the standard editor, or the RTE version. Currently the only difference that one really sees when toggling is the appearance and disappearing of the Toggle HTML Source button on the top left of the posting area.

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It's better now with the sidepanel, I don't like the overlay lines and the scrollbar on the smilies. Also, the "Show All" link should be positioned underneath the smiley table.

Matt, could you add teh +/- to change size of the text area besides the Toggle Side Panel button? :thumbsup: it's more intuitive than the up and down arrows on the uppe right. Many members are already used to the + and -

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Matt, could you add teh +/- to change size of the text area besides the Toggle Side Panel button? :thumbsup: it's more intuitive than the up and down arrows on the uppe right. Many members are already used to the + and -

I personally like it how it is on top. That means you don't have to scroll up or down the page to locate those arrows as you resize the page. You can stay in the same place, and click the same button, and resize it how you want without moving.
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I personally like it how it is on top. That means you don't have to scroll up or down the page to locate those arrows as you resize the page. You can stay in the same place, and click the same button, and resize it how you want without moving.

I agree. I like the placement of it, as well. It's much better where it's located now. :thumbsup:
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I personally like it how it is on top. That means you don't have to scroll up or down the page to locate those arrows as you resize the page. You can stay in the same place, and click the same button, and resize it how you want without moving.

Fair enough, how about replacing the up and down arrows with +/- then? It's more intuitive :thumbsup:
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If anyone is wondering weather the New editor works in Safari, it doesn't... as it is having MAJOR issues.

1. If you change the editors, there is some unexpected behavior. It may do one of the following:

  • It will change and the loading box won't get out of the way.
  • The loading box disappears, but the text box doesn't work like a text box.. It works like a decorative element.
2. The cursor jumps everywhere
3. The Similies won't stay in their iFrame
4. The CTRL -> whatever buttons don't work
5. If you toggle the side panel twice, the other Insert special menu disappears...

The list goes on.
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