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New Idea for IPB

Guest Aqua.Regia

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For the new IPB, how about create a forum software that include selective mods.

1) make slectable mods for buyer to choose
2) can include paid mod, like invision gallery
3) the price.. hmmm, must be above $69.95 la, about $89.95 with 3-5 mods(free), then other paid mod will add like 65 more for invision gallery

Call this Invision Plus

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For the new IPB, how about create a forum software that include selective mods.

1) make slectable mods for buyer to choose

2) can include paid mod, like invision gallery

3) the price.. hmmm, must be above $69.95 la, about $89.95 with 3-5 mods(free), then other paid mod will add like 65 more for invision gallery

Call this Invision Plus

If you want Invision Gallery, just purchase it at the sametime as you do IPB, I don't see you getting additional product for cheaper then you pay for it seperate.

It would only have to be their modifications, considering they wouldn't want to support code they didn't write, I don't this ever happening for that single reason.
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