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Invision Community Developer Resources

Learn how to develop and extend Invision Community applications

Extend Invision Community

With its comprehensive application and plugin architecture, it's possible to extend Invision Community far beyond the default functionality - whether it's for in-house customization of your community or to build addons to provide to others.

The Invision Community framework provides heaps of easy-to-implement functionality such as node management, commenting, moderation and more, and it doesn't usually require extensive code - in fact you can get a basic application up and running in just a few lines of code. The hooks system uses an innovative CSS selector-based system to allow you to pinpoint where custom code should be executed, allowing you to change or add interface components to existing application views.

Check out the developer guides and documentation to get started, and be sure to check in to our developer forum to get assistance from IPS and third-party developers.


For most development work, you'll need the SDK. This provides the templates, scripts and configuration files for each application.

Follow this guide to get started with the developer tools and developer mode.

Theme Changes

Releases often change the HTML templates and CSS rules. Our diff tool makes it easier to find what has changed between releases.

Impacting Changes

Our Release Notes area contains all important information about current and upcoming releases, including any impacting changes for developers. Be sure to follow the Release Notes area to stay up-to-date on changes!

Development Blog

  • Matt Finger ยท
    In 2024, a secure WYSIWYG Editor has become a complex intricate thing. Copy/paste bundle files have largely been phased out in favor of complicated NPM repos and build tools. What was more or less just "HTML Manipulation" has evolved to abstract content models with dynamic rules on how to actually render the content to HTML. Then, for kicks, throw in the requirement that this editor needs to work in non-standard cases like the drag and drop page builder and live topics. The solution for Inv
    Matt Finger
  • Esther E. ยท
    As part of our commitment to encourage 3rd party development and extension, we have given our Developer Center a much needed makeover. A picture is worth a thousand words, but how about a video?   Highlights The Developer Center now has its own dedicated tab in the ACP. What were previously tabs are now displayed on individual screens, making for a far less cluttered UI. You can easily switch from one application to another using the main menu or the but
    Esther E.
  • Esther E. ยท
    One of the areas we have reviewed in Commerce is the way that we handle custom items. Previously, many of our features were limited to Commerce Products. Even items such as Subscriptions and Download Files were not fully integrated. In Invision Community 5, we have looked at ways to improve the overall experience.   Icons and Images A small, but important change: displaying the item icon when an image is not available. In previous versions, if no image was available, the checkout
    Esther E.
  • Esther E. ยท
    As we get closer to our first release, we'll be discussing how to update your custom applications to be compatible with IPS v5. We know this can seem like a daunting task, especially since not all changes will be immediately obvious, so we'll be walking through this step by step.   Updating Source Classes Classnames should no longer start with an underscore. All our source classes are now strictly typed, so any of your classes that extend pretty much anything (Content It
    Esther E.