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Invision Community Apps / Stoo2000

Available Services

  • Data Conversion
  • Custom App Development
  • Apps for Purchase
  • External Integrations
  • Single Sign On (SSO)

About My Services

With over 20 years of experience developing with Invision Community (IP.Board, IBForums), I have a set of popular pre-made applications available for purchase. I am also available from time to time for custom integrations, SSO, data conversions.


My time is currently limited, you may want to look elsewhere for custom requests but I do have some applications available for instant purchase:


Report Provider

  • Invision Power Services, Inc. (IPS) makes the provider directory available as a convenience to our customers. While we make an effort to maintain a reliable provider directory, we do not review, test or warrant the fitness of any third party resource or service. Use of third party resources is done at your sole risk and it is your responsibility to ensure any resources or services being obtained are compatible and suitable for your individualized use of the software.

    Any relationship and/or subsequent transaction established via use of the provider directory is exclusively between you and the provider. IPS will not act as an intermediary in the event of a dispute or claim.

    IPS does not provide support for modifications to the software, nor any issues that arise from same. IPS reserves the right to refuse support for communities utilizing what we determine, in our sole discretion, any modifications that hinder our ability to effectively support and/or diagnose issues with your community.

Customer reviews for Invision Community Apps / Stoo2000


  • 5
   7 of 7 members found this review helpful 7 / 7 members

I use Mail Bouncer app with AWS. The app is very intuitive for the users. If their emails bounce, they immediately see a warning on every page and can change the email on their own. The app also stops any email notifications to the users with invalid emails. The percentage of bounced emails is tracked in AWS. In IPS, I can see who exactly uses invalid emails.


Additionally, the app puts a warning for the users who mark the emails as spam. This app and AWS stats give me now a full overview of bounce and spam reports. End of “black box”. End of manually unsubscribing users from email notifications.


This is a real automation. User and admin friendly. Love it!

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