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Posts posted by BryanH

  1. Lee, see below.

    I understand if it's not possible to make it work how it should, that's fine. I just ask that it's labeled as such. Because as it stands, it's misleading.

    And you guys keep saying "for what you want...", "for what you're looking for..." but it's not about what I want. It's about what IPS is selling me. It's not topic views per forum per month. It's a view counter per forum per month for topics that were created in that particular month.

    Which is so confusing and pointless that I'm sure you'll be fielding many support tickets once it's correctly labeled as such. Better to just not even have this feature.

    Would something like Google Analytics or a similar tool be able to capture this data?

    I use Google Analytics as well. But as far as I can tell, there's no way to track the total views for topics in a specific forum. Because Google has no way of knowing that certain threads are categorized into forums. Maybe if topic URL's indicated a forum ID, but they don't.
  2. I don't think it's rare for people find stats important. And I understand if it's not possible to make it work how it should, that's fine. I just ask that it's labeled as such. Because as it stands, it's misleading. And the IPS support techs who helped me agree.

    I relied on these stats, and who knows how many other IPS customers are doing the same?

  3. I've been relying on the "Topic View" stats provided in the ACP for quite a while now. I run a busy forum and I need good stats. I enjoy using the IPS stats because it's easy to track the total topic views PER FORUM PER MONTH, which I can't really do in Google Analytics.

    But I was apparently wrong about the "Topic View" stats. That's NOT how they really work, and IPS has never made this clear.

    I suspected a problem with the stats about 6 months ago, so I opened a support ticket. One of my forums received 10 topic views that month, but I knew I had visited more than 10 times by myself alone! Tech support said I had some conflicting tasks that were preventing the ibf_topic_views table from pushing its results over to the ibf_topics table.

    But a couple months later I kept noticing weird inconsistencies in the stats. One particular topic received 13,000 views in April (according to Google), but the "Topic View" stats only showed 2000 views for that forum. How could this be?

    I opened another support ticket and about a day later I had my answer...

    The topic views, and i'll get confirmation on this.. doesn't actually tell you the days the topic was viewed.. It tells you the day the topic was created, and how many times the topic was viewed.

    Rather misleading.

    So, if a topic was created on May 13th, 2008.. And was viewed 20000 times between May 13th, 2008 and today.. All those views will be credited to May 2008.

    Rather misleading? Incredibly misleading! This revelation pretty much renders the feature completely and utterly useless. I passed my sentiments along in the support ticket, and IPS agrees that it's useless.

    But will it be fixed in 3.0? No.

    I am very, very disappointed. In the least, IPS needs to label this feature properly. Explain how it really calculates views and how pointless the data really is.
  4. -1

    I for one would not support something like this for the core. Way too server intensive.

    IPB 3.0 will have a hooks system which will allow folks to create and install plugins a lot more easily. This would be better as a plugin.

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