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Posts posted by Michealfan

  1. I get the exact same issue as below - care to share how it was resolved?

    1. You might need to delete your existing application and make a fresh one .
    2. Make sure all your edits are carried out as per the instruction.
    3. Ensure that all the settings are correct in the facebook application as mentioned in the mod installation guide
    4. Facebook connect is enabled.

    If you are still unable to get it working then send me a pm and we shall take it from there.
  2. 06 December 2009 - First Installed and got errors

    30 March 2010 - Deleted all previous stuff and tried installing again afresh- Succeeded.

    I am quite happy that I was able to get it working finally.

    DeanHennings - Thanks bro for your help - without your help I couldn't have got this working.

  3. I had same problem, I found it is not a site problem, facebook app.. I went back and deleted the app, and created a new one making sure my link was correct. and key. I have to play around on the face book app awhile :) but got it to work :)


    What link are you referring to? Can I get to see your facebook application settings and also your invite.php file if you don't mind. This way really help me in great way. Thanks. :)
  4. Hi Mate!

    I cannot get this running , don't know whats wrong and where, Please help me overcome these issues:-

    When clicked on the link:


    We get redirected to:


    and gets the following error message:- (invite.php file enclosed for your reference).

    Errors while loading page from application
    Parse errors:
    CSS Error (line 731 char 35): Unknown property.: '-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius' Declaration dropped.
    CSS Error (line 732 char 36): Unknown property.: '-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius' Declaration dropped.
    CSS Error (line 738 char 23): Unknown property.: '-webkit-border-radius' Declaration dropped.
    CSS Error (line 776 char 32): Unknown property.: '-webkit-border-top-left-radius' Declaration dropped.
    CSS Error (line 777 char 33): Unknown property.: '-webkit-border-top-right-radius' Declaration dropped.
    CSS Error (line 817 char 23): Unknown property.: '-webkit-border-radius' Declaration dropped.
    CSS Error (line 906 char 23): Unknown property.: '-webkit-border-radius' Declaration dropped.
    CSS Error (line 939 char 33): Unknown property.: '-webkit-border-top-right-radius' Declaration dropped.
    CSS Error (line 948 char 33): Unknown property.: '-webkit-border-top-right-radius' Declaration dropped.
    CSS Error (line 949 char 36): Unknown property.: '-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius' Declaration dropped.
    CSS Error (line 957 char 32): Unknown property.: '-webkit-border-top-left-radius' Declaration dropped.
    CSS Error (line 958 char 35): Unknown property.: '-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius' Declaration dropped.
    CSS Error (line 984 char 32): Unknown property.: '-webkit-border-top-left-radius' Declaration dropped.
    CSS Error (line 985 char 33): Unknown property.: '-webkit-border-top-right-radius' Declaration dropped.
    CSS Error (line 1101 char 32): Unknown property.: '-webkit-border-top-left-radius' Declaration dropped.C
    SS Error (line 1102 char 33): Unknown property.: '-webkit-border-top-right-radius' Declaration dropped.
    CSS Error (line 1128 char 32): Unknown property.: '-webkit-border-top-left-radius' Declaration dropped.
    CSS Error (line 1129 char 33): Unknown property.: '-webkit-border-top-right-radius' Declaration dropped.
    CSS Error (line 1141 char 35): Unknown property.: '-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius' Declaration dropped.
    CSS Error (line 1142 char 36): Unknown property.: '-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius' Declaration dropped.
    CSS Error (line 1155 char 35): Unknown property.: '-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius' Declaration dropped.
    CSS Error (line 1156 char 36): Unknown property.: '-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius' Declaration dropped.
    CSS Error (line 1158 char 16): Error in parsing value for property.: 'position' Declaration dropped.
    CSS Error (line 1357 char 23): Unknown property.: '-webkit-border-radius' Declaration dropped.
    CSS Error (line 1385 char 32): Unknown property.: '-webkit-border-top-left-radius' Declaration dropped.
    CSS Error (line 1386 char 33): Unknown property.: '-webkit-border-top-right-radius' Declaration dropped.
    CSS Error (line 1790 char 23): Unknown property.: '-webkit-border-radius' Declaration dropped.
    CSS Error (line 1965 char 0): Error in parsing value for property.: 'background' Declaration dropped.
    CSS Error (line 2103 char 32): Unknown property.: '-webkit-border-top-left-radius' Declaration dropped.
    CSS Error (line 2104 char 33): Unknown property.: '-webkit-border-top-right-radius' Declaration dropped.
    CSS Error (line 2139 char 32): Unknown property.: '-webkit-border-top-left-radius' Declaration dropped.
    CSS Error (line 2140 char 33): Unknown property.: '-webkit-border-top-right-radius' Declaration dropped.
    CSS Error (line 2170 char 32): Unknown property.: '-webkit-border-top-left-radius' Declaration dropped.
    CSS Error (line 2171 char 33): Unknown property.: '-webkit-border-top-right-radius' Declaration dropped.
    CSS Error (line 2292 char 23): Unknown property.: '-webkit-border-radius' Declaration dropped.
    CSS Error (line 2384 char 30): Unknown property.: '-moz-border-radius-top-right' Declaration dropped.
    CSS Error (line 2385 char 33): Unknown property.: '-moz-border-radius-bottom-right' Declaration dropped.
    CSS Error (line 2386 char 33): Unknown property.: '-webkit-border-top-right-radius' Declaration dropped.
    CSS Error (line 2387 char 36): Unknown property.: '-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius' Declaration dropped.
    CSS Error (line 2555 char 23): Unknown property.: '-webkit-border-radius' Declaration dropped.
    CSS Error (line 2746 char 32): Unknown property.: '-webkit-border-top-left-radius' Declaration dropped.
    CSS Error (line 2774 char 23): Unknown property.: '-webkit-border-radius' Declaration dropped.
    CSS Error (line 3399 char 0): Expected "," or "{".EOF Ruleset ignored due to bad selector.FBML Error (line 3666): illegal tag "body" under "fb:canvas"FBML Error (line 3713): illegal attr "}" in tag "a". Attribute names can only contain alphanumeric characters, underscores, and hyphens.Please try again later. We appreciate your patience as the developers of Letsgobasketball.com and Facebook resolve this issue. Thanks!

    I shall really appreciate if I could get this working.


  5. Hello

    Can someone please help me with the SSH. I shall be greatful if someone can take this up from the very first step , i.e How to check if whether one has SSH enabled or not and if yes how to start from there and if not then is there any option to enable it in CPanel or not?

  6. After using IPB for awhile, I've imported many email spam XMLs packs, and common IPs of spammers. Now I have soo many that when I open the page in the ACP it crashes in Firefox or lags terribly until it can load them. (Be kind, only 2gb of ram on a Pentium 4)

    How much work would it be to separate them like "IP Ban Filter", "Username Ban Filter" and "Email Ban Filter" to save load times?

    This post explains how to create the Ban filters yourself :-


  7. Given what you've said, you definitely need to get your host involved. Especially if the database isn't showing up in cPanel, but is still listed in phpMyAdmin.

    Did you contact them before?

    Are they giving you a ration of grief, or just not responding?

    I don't think I have ever said that databases shows up in phpmyadmin and not in cpanel.... All I said was that even though it says database deleted successfully in the cpanel when attempted but in actual it isn't deleted.

  8. AndyF,

    I know it's splitting hairs, but DROP != DELETE. He already dropped all tables, resulting in an empty database.

    But inside phpMYAdmin there's no option that I can find to actually *delete* the database, which is what he originally wanted to do.

    In my case, I have to use the cPanel -> MySQL Databases menu to delete a database, even as the root user. (Caveat: Like I said, I may have missed a setting in phpMyAdmin, but I don't think so.)

    Correct - I have dropped the tables, resulting in an empty database and yes I am aware of this other option of deleting the databases through cpanel but you may like to call it starnage or whatever but i was able to successfully delete one database with that option but thereafter couldn't. Although cpanel claims that database has been deleted but it isn't deleted in actual.

    If permissions allow, you can still "delete" a database by dropping it (DROP DATABASE dbname) from within phpMyAdmin, like you can the tables. As Andy said, if you click on the database in the left hand column you should see a Drop tab on the top right of the table listing (now empty since you've dropped all the tables). This should drop (delete) the entire database assuming you have permissions to do so.

    Well, it's not exactly "2 step". You can drop a database with tables in it.

    This will simply drop a table within a database

    DROP TABLE table_name;

    While this will drop an entire database, including any tables within it

    DROP DATABASE database_name;

    I tried that too before coming up here but again that doesn't works for me because of permission issues.
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