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Rob - Top Web Designs

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Posts posted by Rob - Top Web Designs

  1. Why do the search and new content have separate templates, when they have basically identical design? I was really confused when I had completely skinned the search and made it look perfect only to click New Content and find it was an absolute mess, then I had to make the exact same changes as I made on the search.

    I understand that allowing as much flexibility as possible is great, but this seems like an absolute waste, when they could so easily work of the same template.

  2. I've never quite understood why there wasn't an Icon Legend for the little icons next to topics, like there is for topic icons.

    In light of this i'm at a loss as to what this icon transmit_small.png means next to a topic.

    Any ideas?

  3. That solution bothers me though. That is like telling me that 23% of my members will get a lower quality version of my site. They will also not get the same user experience as other people (which from a branding perspective is bad). Additionally it increases my workload supporting two skins and tech support for people on both. Also the "bare skin" would probably not work as the primary skin for me as I have to "integrate" it with the main website skin which then takes away the purpose of it being the "light" skin.

    I think you're looking at this from completely the wrong perspective.

    It's not a case of 23% of your customers getting a lower quality experience, it's about 77% of your customers getting a better quality experience. If the new features worked in IE6, they would be used in IE6. They don't, so IE6 doesn't have them. If you make the entire site 100% IE6 compatible, you'd be hurting 77% of your customers who would no longer be able to do things that they would otherwise be able to do.

    I don't really see the logic in you saying 23% of your members are getting a lower quality version of the site. They will get that version of the site, whatever. Taking out anything that's not possible in IE6 would make no difference for those people.
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