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turbo greg

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Posts posted by turbo greg

  1. The Saga continues! Hostinger is unable to migrate due to 2FA and I am not receiving the code. So they asked for a backup of the site. That also failed downloading from GoDaddy. Literally took two days for the download then it failed. I have a 100 MBPS up and down. 

    Can I do a fresh install on Hostinger's servers then import my database and uploads folders and be happy?

  2. Here is an update on my scenario! I have not been able to figure out if my downloads from GoDaddy or uploads to Hostinger are good or bad. Maybe both. Hostinger says they can migrate the site to their servers. In order to do so they require the DNS to point back to GoDaddy. So that is what I have done. I updated the GoDaddy install to the latest version and as far as I can tell it is working OK. I also put it back online so that tasks can run but eventually when migrated switch to cron as I may not be getting enough user traffic to run the tasks properly. Any how turning it over to Hostinger to migrate. Will use the GoDad DB since it is presently online. I sincerely appreciate all the help you guys have given me. The board has been online since 2005 so there are a few uploads etc. Hopefully Hostinger can move everything intact which I for some reason cannot. I will update at some time on the outcome.

  3. I have been attempting that aparently without success. Last attempt was vis SSH down and back up. There ar so many directories to compare.

    Question - the install on godaddy is version 4.6.8. Version on the new server is 4.6.9. Would it be best to change my DNS back to godaddy, upgrade then download? Would I also need to use the godaddy DB after upgrade or can I leave the Hostinger DB as is? Thank you guys more than I can express for your help.

  4. Atempt #10 was unsuccesful. Original database and file generated same problems. Maybe I am setting permissions wrong. All my folders are set to 755. Is that what just the applications, datastore, plugins and uploads recursivly should be set at or am I wrong and they should be 777? I restored to my last DB backup from when I was breifly online at hostinger. Is it time to give up? I have spent hours trying to repair this. I really don't want to go back to GoDaddy. What about doing a fresh install then then restore my DB and uploads folder?

  5. Thanks Jim. I dropped my DB and imported the old DB. I downloaded everything from the godaddy server via ssh. Then uploaded to Hostinger via ssh. I did not though delete everything on hostinger, was hoping on over write but maybe that did not occure. I say that because the message I had set for the board being offline remained as I had written it via the hostinger server. Nothing changed. Same problems as before. So I am going to delete everything off the hostinger server and then upload everything again from my godaddy backup.

    Standby for move to new server attempt #8

  6. Thank you Marc. I am first going to re-upload everything via SSH. Check all the permissions. Empty the datastore folder. Then see what happens with the new DB. Any problems I will switch to the original DB. I do not have a constants.php or a htaccess file. Will report back in many hours with my results.

    The document "Moving to a new server" lists certain folder permissions that need to be set. Any additions to that document that I should be aware of. For instance there is no mention that we can empty the datastore folder.

    Thanks again

  7. Here is the scenario. I am moving from one hosting company to a new hosting company. I downloaded the comunity via ftp then back up to the new server via ftp. Made sure all the folder permissions were correct etc. Imported my database. Once dns changed my site was basicly a list for navigation. Found my way to "Clear system caches" and that brought the comunity back to a normal GUI. Thought all was well so put it online. Then got complaints that folks could not edit their posts after posting. Then found out that most of the gallery images were not displaying, the system logs state the image(s) are missing even though they are in the upload folder.

    In admin I am unable to update the system from 4.6.8 to 4.6.9. The only error log I have is (I have 2 error entries both the same) "Sorry, you don't have permission for that!" " The CSRF protection key did not match. This may indicate a plugin or theme is out of date. Please contact technical support for more information.". Also in the system log there is an entry "auto_upgrade" "LogicException (0)". I have no plugins.

    I still have access to the original install and am presently downloading the board vis ssh. And plan to re-upload to the new server via ssh. 

    So here is the question(s).

    #1 - Some data was added to the new server database when I went live with problems. Not much though. Better to restore with my original database backup or use the new.

    #2 - I have read somewhere that maybe the datastore folder could be a problem???

    #3 - Most of my tables are MyISAM. A few are InnoDB. Was going to convert them all to InnoDB but have not done so. Can that be a problem?

    I followed the document "Moving to a new server" which states "run through the support tools by visiting System>Support>Support, and selecting "something isnt working correctly". I have no "something isnt working correctly". Is that document out of date? 5 years old now.

    Any suggestions or facts would be great as I would like to fix this myself before opening a support ticket.


  8. OK I am now moved to Hostinger. The move has not gone well. 1 - cannot edit a post. 2 - cannot upgrade to the next release. 3 - most images in the gallery are not showing even though they are in the upload folder. I am using FileZilla FTP foor the transfers to my PC then to the new server. For some reason I cannot get ssh to connect.

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