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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by ScottyToledo

  1. People just refuse to read instructions. New members were using the shoutbox over at my site as a searchbox. I put up a notice stating that this was not a search engine, but a shoutbox. I still got people every day that used it for search. I finally got tired of it, and restricted it so people will have to have an x amount of posts before they can shout. People just do NOT pay attention to written instructions. Even if they are in big glowing neon letters.

  2. I just wanted to thank the staff for some great software. I have been using Invision for about 5 years now, and this has been the smoothest upgrade ever. Absolutely NO problems upgrading forum, gallery or blog. I have a rather large forum, and I was a bit concerned that I'd run into some problems, but I never did. It took me half the day, but I have everything set up just the way I like. Thank you all. :)

  3. A couple members of the staff has gone to my forum to help me out a couple times when I needed it. I don't think other companies would do that. I've been with Invision for a few years now. I've never thought about jumping ship.

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