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Posts posted by savannahjan50

  1. Anja, we did a work around for this issue.  It takes a good bit of time and effort. 

    I first searched for members who had visited with the last year.  I checked everyone on this list to see if they had added their birthday to their profile.  Then I made a hand written list of these members and their birthdays.

    Next, with the created list of recently visiting members and their birthdays, I went into the calendar and added each birthday as an event, marking them as hidden.  When you add an event, it will post about it, so if it is hidden, only admin can see it.

    Now, I look at the calendar every day, and at night before someone's birthday, I click on the event and 'unhide' it.  Then I post a comment under the announcement or add a birthday emoji to make the post current.

    Another way to recognize birthdays is, once you have made your own list of members with their BD,  create an announcement for each one.  Yes, this is very labor intensive, but with an announcement, you can set the date for the announcement to be displayed and then made inactive the next day.  After a member's birthday, I go in and delete the announcement.

    It doesn't make sense to me that the birthday function was written out of the software, how much space can that possibly take?  😠

  2. Is there a way to restrict guests from searching Members?  We have a hacker who keeps looking for members who have never posted; then hacking into their account and posting spam. 

    We've tried using the 'bad word filter' to block some words that are always used in these posts, but they just sail right through them.   Is there some key to using the bad word filters that we are missing?

    Thanks for any advice you can give.

  3. Does the most recent htaccess file override the php version set on your server?   Our database is set to 8.0, but we have several htaccess files, the most recent showing php 7.1.   It's time for an upgrade that requires php 8.0 and I want to prevent any conflicts before the upgrade. 


    # Use PHP71 as default
    AddHandler application/x-httpd-php71 .php
    <IfModule mod_suphp.c>
        suPHP_ConfigPath /opt/php71/lib
  4. We have not had a post other than mine since Saturday.  Members are e-mailing me that they are getting the technical (500) error.  However, I and the other admin can see the board.  Also, it shows members are logged in, showing up on the 'members online' list.  But on their end, they are getting the technical issue error.

    We only have the Forums, Calendar and Downloads applications, and our license is current. 

    Please help. 

  5. When a spammer tries to post something without becoming a validated member, the board automatically sends out an e-mail entitled "Did you forget to submit your content?".  These messages are generated and sent to some suspicious and know spamming agents.  They cannot be delivered, but the software will try to send them again, and again.  This has caused issues with our server, as the server IP is being tagged as suspicious.

    Our site is not able to process any registrations, bulk mails or notifications by e-mail.   We are currently only getting about 5% of our e-mails delivered, or received when members click on the validation link.  We have to do something to fix this problem.

    Is there a way to de-activate some features in the board e-mail program, such as the "did you forget" message?

    If not, how do we go about changing to SMTP for e-mails?  Sorry, this 68 year old granny doesn't know what this even is.

    Thanks for your help.

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