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    Development, Project management

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  1. We already set the System > Settings > Web App > Manifest configuration. We need to set something else additionally. A third-party service like OneSignal? Or tweak any hosting server configuration / library?
  2. but is the shortcut supposed to be available in version 4?
  3. @aXenDev do you have by chance have a PWA installation prompt script available for the community? Thanks
  4. @Jim M Just to be sure, as maybe we are re-working trying to "hardcode" a native PWA feature. Isn't PWA technology supposed to show the credential count for unread or unseen push notifications? Is this something we should enable somewhere in the IPB Admin? Thanks
  5. Hello @Marc Stridgen did you get any information from your devs?
  6. There is an "easy way" to acknowledge who is the anonymous original poster. How to replicate: Go to the post, view who is following (1) and see who has followed the post (2) the same time it is posted (3): This is a massive flaw in our members privacy compliance. We already put an internal patch: inactivated the modal button when the OP is anonymous. Can you please check on this ? Thanks
  7. Hello. JP here, from the thetechtribe. For the continuity of the investigation, can some IPBoard dev help me out to understand what is the purpose of the following snippet. It is the ajax response in the uploads/javascript_global/root_library.js?v=37062bb1bf1709922374 $(document).ajaxSend(function(event, request, settings) { if (!_.isUndefined(settings) && settings.showLoading === true) { if (!$('#elAjaxLoading').length) { getContainer().append(templates.render('core.general.ajax')); } count++; ips.utils.anim.go('fadeIn fast', $('#elAjaxLoading')); } }).ajaxComplete(function(event, request, settings) { if (!_.isUndefined(settings) && settings.showLoading === true) { count--; if (count === 0) { ips.utils.anim.go('fadeOut fast', $('#elAjaxLoading')); } } if (!_.isUndefined(settings) && !settings.bypassRedirect) { var responseJson = null; if (!_.isUndefined(request.responseJSON) && !_.isUndefined(request.responseJSON.redirect)) { responseJson = request.responseJSON; } else if (!_.isUndefined(request.responseText)) { try { var jsonResponse = $.parseJSON(request.responseText); if (jsonResponse && !_.isUndefined(jsonResponse.redirect)) { responseJson = jsonResponse; } } catch (err) {} } if (responseJson) { if (!_.isUndefined(responseJson.message) && responseJson.message != '') { ips.utils.cookie.set('flmsg', responseJson.message); } if (responseJson.redirect.match(/#/)) { window.location.href = responseJson.redirect; window.location.reload(); } else { window.location = responseJson.redirect; } } } ips.utils.cookie.init(); }); The last part in the if(responseJson) block, the condition will always end in a reload/redirect. I've being trying to catch it but is not easy by the randomness of the request and the issue. Thanks!
  8. Just wondering if there is a native solution (or 3rd party plugin/app) for showing the unread notification count as a badge number for PWAs. Check example (with #10): I currently make it work using JS to fetch the member notifications endpoint (/api/core/members/{id}/notifications) and extract the unread count from the fetched result and set it with setAppBadge PWAs function. But this is a long polling that consumes too many resources. -- If there is no native solution, my next idea is to extend the endpoint to retrieve just the count of unread notifications (no looping fetched rows in the result, like my current workaround). So, can you point me out how to extend endpoints with a custom application? (I manage to implement custom application before but never for extending API endpoints) Thanks.
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