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PlanIt Geo

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Posts posted by PlanIt Geo

  1. I'm very upset InvisionCommunity is not pushing to be the #1 forum software available. Years ago it was vBulletin, they faded because they didn't adjust with times and ipb overtook them. Now  InvisionCommunity is in a GREAT position to expand and they decide to start "closing" features. From a business perspective, it makes no sense and your clearly missing data.

    I've been in the crypto space for 8 years now working NUMEROUS blockchain/crypto/defi projects. You know what they ALL have in common? They ALL use DISCOURSE (EWW) because they're unaware of other real enterprise compatible options. I wouldn't eve CONSIDER closing the marketplace until you've tapped into the very massive market you obivously haven't tapped into.

    The companies that ARE using Discourse and i present them InvisionCommunity, they feel they've been duped after realizing what i quality forum is. The marketplace is a HUGE sell point and i mean BIG. Companies wants to feel they can customize different features within their own world/ecosystem and the marketplace is the best way to do that. 

    If you expect enterprise grade companies to want to HUNT DOWN 3rd part addons and feel secure as opposed to current setup, i truly believe i can help InvisionCommunity and would like an e-mail i can reach.


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