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Everything posted by amoncur

  1. DawPi - thank you! I didn't find it under forums, but taking your suggestion to expand default apps I looked under System and there it was. Yay!
  2. Ah, that worked! Thank you. How about if I wanted to set Clubs as the default application? I didn't see Clubs show up in the list of default applications, either.
  3. My menu looks like this (note the podcast item): I would like to set that podcast item as the default application, but when I look in my Admin settings it isn't listed (see screenshot below). How can I make the podcast menu item the first thing people see when they enter the site?
  4. I have set up a club and can view it on desktop, but when I try to view the club on mobile it doesn't show up. Currently it's the only club I've created and when viewing clubs on mobile no clubs show up (even though it shows up on desktop). Any idea why that might be and how to fix it? I've had others try this on mobile and they get the same result.
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