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Marco Telescope Live

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Posts posted by Marco Telescope Live

  1. Hi everyone,

    We are currently integrating our custom Identity Provider service into an Invision Community. We have already registered and added a login client inside the "Login & Registration Methods" tab. We are using the Authorization Code flow to redirect our users on Sign In to our own Login page where they enter their credentials. After a successful login, they are redirected back to Invision Community with a valid authorization code added to the response including the state fields. 

    Right after we are redirected back to Invision Community with the provided callback with auth code and state fields - "Redirect URI?code&state", we are getting an error "Something went wrong. Please try again." and the user is not being logged in. Although we have checked the Error Logs in the admin panel, we did not manage to find exactly why we are getting this error. There are a few more exception messages on the Log, e.x.:

    2C122/1 The page you are trying to access is not available to guests, but may be available if you sign in.


    2S119/1 The CSRF protection key did not match. This may indicate a plugin or theme is out of date. Please contact technical support for more information.

    Is there anything we can do to get more info on why exactly we are getting this error when we are redirecting back the user to Invision Community?

    Kind regards

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