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Esther E.

Invision Community Team
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Esther E. last won the day on August 22

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  1. Android owner and proud of it. No shame here.
  2. We're not putting in any more enhancements at this point, but I have put this on my personal wish list for 5.x.
  3. I can think of a way to do this on v5. Reordering tabs would be a little trickier, but still doable.
  4. Just so you know... you will be able to do this in v5. Coupons will be able to be restricted to a specific subscription/course/etc.
  5. You can insert mobile menu items using a UserMenu extension. The new Block Manager has a "global footer" area for this purpose. The Advertisements in v5 are much more flexible than in v4. You can show an ad in specific components (e.g. in Forums but not in Blogs). You can also show an ad after post X or every X posts. In addition, you can now create a Pages block to show an advertisement, so you can drop that anywhere. Anything further would use template hooks, as Matt said. Without knowing how the ad script works, it's hard to say. This seems like something that was designed specifically for your site(?), in which case you could probably adjust it to work with the attributes, as Ehren mentioned. Regardless, I'm 99% certain there is a clean way to handle this, but again... without knowing exactly how the script works, it's hard to say.
  6. It no longer works this way in v5.
  7. I would just throw my hands in the air and go back to bed. Or I'd tell you to uber me more coffee.
  8. Compassionate indeed. I've been out for the last 2 days, just imagine what my inbox looks like... 😭
  9. 25 tags. Or maybe a few more, depending on your setup. As of now, the upgrader will give you a choice to either delete all global tags OR to convert the top 25 tags (by usage) to the new system. If you have node-specific tags (for example, for a single forum), you can choose to drop them or convert them.
  10. Dude, it's already done. (No, it's not, but if I say it's done then I just make myself more awesome.)
  11. I'd argue that a large number of community owners/administrators know their user base, and have a pretty good idea of how new features and changes would be received. Most owners would be looking at this from a perspective of "how well will this do on my site?" and not "how good is this for me personally?"
  12. Yes, but the alternative would be to uninstall and have data loss. I figured the best solution is to leave everything in place so that when you create your application to replace the plugin, your installation can transfer those settings, etc to your app.
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