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Phil A

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Posts posted by Phil A

  1. 4 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    If you no longer have an accessible instance of that install, then it would no longer be an issue.  You should however be removing the software from that location entirely, or requesting this is done by the person who runs that server, as per your license agreement

    Thank you Mark. I will see if I can get this sorted. If, for whatever reason I'm unable to update the DNS entry, what would be the next steps?

  2. Hi Mark

    Just so I'm clear. How is the license validated? If the DNS entry for the domain that points to the host that is currently running the instance that is using our license is updated to no longer point at the host, will that then free up the license again?

  3. Hi Jim

    The current instance I am running is using the -TESTINSTALL suffixed license and won't let me change to the new one because the key is already in use and I don't have access to the DNS entry for the existing one.

    Clearing the system caches didn't help.

  4. Hi is it possible that we could remove the old URL that's set for our license?

    I've got our forum migrated successfully to 4.7 and I'd like to point to the forum from a new domain so that I can test it before we move to the cloud-hosted offering.


  5. Just now, Miss_B said:

    What version did you upgrade from and did you actually ran the upgrader?

    What theme are you using? If it is a custom one, maybe it is not compatible with the latest version? What php version do you have?


    It was version 3.* so quite old. Yes, I ran the whole upgrade, took around 90 minutes and was successful.

    I'm on php 8.1 and not sure about the theme, is there somewhere I can remove it from in the code so that it reverts to the default. I'm also unsure as to why this would stop me seeing the AdminCP.

  6. Hi,

    I recently upgraded to version 4.7.12 and the upgrade and DB migration seemed to run successfully.

    However when I open the home page on localhost I see the following:

    Could contain: File, Page, Text, Webpage

    I'm also unable to access the AdminCP page even after I set the 'RECOVERY_MODE' env variable in constants.php in the root directory, so I'm unsure what I should do next.

    I'd be very grateful of any help on this.

    Thank you.

  7. Hi Jim

    Thank you for taking the time to reply.

    6 hours ago, Jim M said:

    With that said, you just need the database and attachments to move forward with the upgrade from 3.x to latest of 4. You would simply move those items over to your new server along with your conf_global.php file (don't forget to update for your new server) and then go to /admin/upgrade .

    I am not completely clear here. Do I need an actual working version of a 3.x installation, or are you saying that provided I have the exported DB, the attachments and the conf_global.php I can just create a fresh 4.x server on the latest version and go to my_server/admin/upgrade to kick it off?

    If it's the former, does that mean I'd need to get my 3.x installation up an running on an older version of PHP that is supported for my instance?

  8. Yes, I am trying a fresh install. Ideally I would like to just install the 4.x fresh using the legacy database as otherwise I will need to install an old version of IP boards and then upgrade that way, which seems laborious as I think it would mean reverting to an older version of PHP as the original forum is now offline.

    It seems that the 4.x installer is aware of the IP Boards 3.x database so I thought the conversion would work. Is it more nuanced than that? The installation itself goes through fine.

    I have looked at a few of the tables and much as most of the content is the same, I can see some have been renamed, would it be possible to just remap the existing ones?

  9. Hi.

    I am currently in the process of trying to migrate a legacy version of IP.Board v3.3.4 to 4.x.

    I have followed the instructions and managed to create a test installation on localhost and am serving it over an nginx webserver on PHP 8.1. The problem I am having is that the database I am migrating from seems not to work with the new IP 4 software.

    I have a MySQL instance running on a box with the previous database there.

    When I go through the installation process it even detects it as an existing IP Boards database. However on completing the setup, I find that in the database the application has just created a load of new empty tables and the legacy ones are not being picked up by the installation.

    The existing db has all tables prefixed with "ibf_" however because it detects the installation I'm not able to specify this as part of the setup.

    Has anyone successfully performed a migration using one of these older DBs?

    I know that this upgrade is not supported by Invision themselves, but any help on this would be gratefully received.

    Please let me know if anything is more info is needed or you require further clarification.



  10. Hi,

    Im looking to purchase & set up a self hosted Forum.

    Im running the self hosted compatibility checker & have a error Your PHP memory limit is too low. It needs to be set to 128M or more.

    My Hosting people added a PHP.ini file to my server root :

    safe_mode = off;
    max_execution_time = 100;
    max_input_time = 120;
    allow_url_fopen = On;
    memory_limit = 512M;
    post_max_size = 512M;
    upload_max_filesize = 512M;
    max_input_vars = 3000M;

    but im still displaying the same error on the ips4 page : https://www.hardscore.com/RDBforum/ips4.php

    It would be great if someone could advise what could be the problem.


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