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Arlon Rahn

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Posts posted by Arlon Rahn

  1. Oh ok. So I have forum groups for each game (Total Extreme Wrestling 2020, World of Mixed Martial Arts 5, etc). Within those I have a dynasty subforum. See below. So I was thinking if I made a tab and put Total Extreme Wrestling 2020 Dynasties, World of Mixed Martial Arts 5 Dynasties and Mafia Capo: Payback Dynasties, they would be in the order of the main forum group. But you are saying I need to put them in a forum group called "Dynasties" and then they would be in the order they are listed there?

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    I guess what I'm saying is I would prefer to keep my forum structure for the main tab (each game is a group) and then have tabs for Dynasties and Tech Support where I show just the subforum for each game there.

  2. I see that the forum are going by their ID order. Is there a way to change the order to not follow the ID? I will have 17 forums in each tab and having my most popular game (highest number since it is the latest forum) listed last is not what I wanted.

  3. Is there a way you can dictate the order of the forums in an individual tab? I have 17 game forums and want to do a tab with all the "tech support" forums for each game. When I select them in the edit tab option, it lists the forums in the opposite order as the forum category is. So, the game shown at the top now shows as the last tech support forum in the tab.

    *Edit - I see that the forum are going by their ID order. I had my forum imported from Vbulletin. Is there a way to change the ID?


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