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Valerie Huard

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Posts posted by Valerie Huard

  1. Good day,

    We've already asked Make.com regarding this and we're waiting for their reply but we'll also ask here maybe you have a solution for this.

    We've setup our REST API Key to connect our Invision Community to Make.com and we tried connecting it but it says 'Community is not Available' (as you can see in the image below) and we also tried doers.academy/community and other url for that community section but still the same error. Do you have any idea for this?

    The reason we're connecting Invision Community to Make.com is that one there is a new user it automatically creates a forum topic for their own progress (Progress Log). Maybe there is a built-in way to do this just inside Invision Community without the help of Make.com?

    Thank you in advance

    Could contain: File, Page, Text, Webpage

  2. Good day,

    I'll continue with this topic, I've placed the tracking code in our theme's Header/Footer, but it doesn't show in the sites HTML or network console. I've tried adding a test script and after saving it, it doesn't show. It seems like even after saving it in Header/Footer, it doesn't "save". Maybe I'm just missing some procedures.

  3. Good day to everyone,

    We have a HubSpot plugin installed in our WordPress which is responsible in displaying its own chat widget/bubble but this widget is not passed on or being displayed in /community. Is there a way for me to have it displayed in /community? or to pass on what's existing in most of our WordPress pages to /community? It's probably the same issue with the UI or display headers which is different for both our WordPress pages and the Community.

    *** Our website is a membership website so it needs login but below are images of our WordPress page with the chat bubble and the Community page (both looks different) 

    Could contain: File, Webpage, Person                                      Could contain: File, Webpage, Text, Person, Page

  4. Good day, 

    I would like to ask if there is an existing software or plugin for IP Board that compresses images posted in our websites forums? Because there has been a lot of instances wherein our user wanted to immediately post what they took on their phone but we've limited the upload size which then discourages them from uploading that photo. If there is something that could just accept any file size of an image and then will be automatically resized or compressed, that would be nice.

    Thank you

  5. Good day!

    We noticed that there is a new version ( of Invision Community with security updates. We have a plugin, WordPress SSO (by Stuart Silvester), how will we know if this plugin is compatible with the version of Invision Community so that we won't break our site?

    Thank you.

  6. Good day, 

    We have this calendar in our community with a bunch of set events and meetings. We want our users to be able to see these events or meetings from their phone's calendar such as Google Calendar instead of logging in the site. How do we do that? I know that there is this "Subscribe to iCalendar feed" option (I haven't tried this because I only have Android), but how about for Android?

    Thank you.

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