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Christi Powell

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Christi Powell

  1. Actually, never mind. Even though it still doesn't show any media in that section, I sent a link to my forum as a test and it showed the correct icon. I don't know why it worked but it worked and that is all that matters. Thanks for your help!
  2. Also, did you attempt to upload an application icon on my forum? If so, did you delete it afterwards because there is no icon in the application icon section of the themes tab. This is so weird. It's making me crazy ðŸĪŠ
  3. I don't know what the problem is either, but I tried again on a different computer and with a different browser just now and got the same error message. I've tried different file types, different sizes, and different browsers. I just don't know what else to do but, when I send someone a link to my forum, they get a picture of an avatar because I cannot upload the application icon to my forum. Anyone have an idea based on the error message? Thanks
  4. Hello, I am attempting to upload an Application Icon and I keep getting the following error message; A look at the logs: Any ideas as to what's causing this? I am simply trying to change what people see when we send a link. 😆 NOTE: I am using the correct size and file type. I made sure of that before posting here. I also did a great deal of searching the forums and found similar errors but not with the same cause (uploading an application icon). Thanks in advance for any help. Christi
  5. I was just thinking maybe it had something to do with my forum tree but that shouldn't matter. I would think that the breadcrum navigation would still show [ Home > subforum > subforum > Topic ] but it doesn't. Either way, here is how I have my forum tree set up currently. It is a new forum so, there isn't many forums/subforums yet.
  6. Hello all, 👋 So far, I am loving the Invision Community forum software. It has been very simple to set up and, even though I haven't posted anything here yet, I have been browsing theses forums for help with setting up my forums and it has been great. I have a question that I could not find the answer to using the above search. I was hoping to get some insight here. My issue is that, I would love to have more detailed 'breadcrum navigation path'. (I guess that's what it's called) In other words, this is the sort of navigation path I would love for my forum to display: However, I can be 3 subforums deep in my personal forum and it still looks like this: NOTE: For clarity, I changed my theme back to the default Invision theme to post a picture here but currently I use this theme [ https://axendev.net/ ] It should also be noted that my breadcrum navigation is the same regardless of the theme I choose. It simply just displays 'Home' unless I enter a topic which then displays 'Home > Topic Title'. Is there anything I can do to make my forum display a more detailed navigation path? I am completely comfortable editing CSS and I did look through the CSS files of both the default and custom themes but I did not notice anything within those files that I could change. Of course, I certainly could have overlooked something. I also searched the marketplace for any utilities that may help but I didn't see anything. It would really be so helpful (especially for new members) to be able to navigate from their current subforum to 2 subforums back without using the back-button all the time. I hope that I am making sense. I am not as seasoned as some of you so please bear with me and thank you in advance for any help. 🙂 ~Christi
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