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Erik Wolf

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Erik Wolf

  1. Well I don't know. I put in that URL (ending in /upgrade) and now I see my panel, nothing to upgrade anymore. Guess it's solved.
  2. I just went through the app upgrade process following the instructions on the screen.
  3. I also have had the same issue. Completely unable to access the backend now. Could someone from Invision help with this upgrade? Thanks.
  4. Thanks @opentype this makes sense to me. much appreciated!
  5. We're not offering a free trial of the membership, it is a fully free membership level. Therefore we don't want to ask them for a credit card at all. Is this possible? Also, I just added a manual payment method, but it does not come up as an option when registering for a new account.
  6. I want to provide a coupon for a paid membership plan, but found nowhere to do it. I found coupons for products, but not memberships. Can you point me to where this functionality is hiding please. Thanks.
  7. We offer both paid and free membership plans. A member was just trying to sign up for the free plan and is being required to provide a credit card, which doesn't make sense. Is there a way to fix this or turn off this requirement? Or if not, are you aware of a plugin in the marketplace that would help with this? We just can't be requiring credit cards for free memberships. Thanks.
  8. Hi, if someone clicks sign up instead of sign in by accident, they are unable to get back to the home page. Clicking on either of the 2 items below (see screenshot) does not work, nor does removing the unique URL string after the site URL. I had to close browser, delete cache and cookies, to be able to get back to home screen. This is not intuitive. Any idea why this isn't working? Happened same in Chrome and Firefox.
  9. It seems that we're not understanding each other - probably because you can't see what I'm seeing. I made a short video that shows you what I'm trying to do. Would you please watch it and let me know how to do what I see you being able to do on your front end. Thanks.
  10. Thanks. The reindexing is complete. It looks like no members are being shown in search. i type into the Search bar a member's name - such as Andrea, Carol, Erik, Elise. These are all members in our back-end (if you go to our back-end you will see about 25 people we are testing with, so it's not hard to find the right profiles). Nothing comes up. However, if these people are mentioned in an article, then the article comes up. From looking at the Search dialog box, where I have chosen Everywhere, the drop down (more options) shows Members as an option. I am under the impression that "Everywhere" includes Members. Just to be sure, I chose members only and searched "Carol". Zero results returned.
  11. We have been having problems with our search module, which returns erratic results. Member search is not returning any results, regardless of keyword or filters used. But content search is working fine. Any ideas what might be the cause? We've looked everywhere we could think of for settings, but were unable to find a way to fix this. Thank you.
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