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Posts posted by tomch

  1. We are able to get data from our other platforms.  As said before the POSTMAN test works fine but when we script from our server we receive the 403 error.  Are there any ports or firewall settings that we may not know about that need setting from our end?

  2. No major number of requests are being sent.  We are trying to use an API to GET from our install.  We simply want to propagate a webpage with user information from Invision and one of our other platforms.  The GET works from POSTMAN in a test environment but not when we script it into the page.

  3. I am having API issues.  When I access from PostMan (API testing software) it works fine however when making a request from the server we're using I get a 403 error from Cloudfront.

    Is there a setting in my AdminCP that can unblock certain IP's or domains?

    Any insight is appreciated.

    Best regards,


    Screenshot from 2022-02-22 11-00-23.png

  4. I am formatting the script in a couple of emails that are generated when a user is enrolled.  Customization > Localization > Languages > Translate icon.

    I found the script for the email wrapper.  Edited the script using the Enter key to denote EOL.  The email that is received removes the EOL and runs the entire script sequentially, removing the formatting.  

    Is there a character code that I can enter to keep the EOL marker?  Am I in the correct location to edit the scripts?

    Also, does the size of the default image background (our logo) impact its display size in the email?  our logo appears extremely large.  I would think resizing might help?


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