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Isabeau Maxwell

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Posts posted by Isabeau Maxwell

  1. 12 hours ago, Chris Anderson said:

    The tutorial above does not show you can select a third-party app as the default application, but you can if so desired. 


    Thank you for replying. I did that, set it to default, but I am still getting the login page as the first page after typing in my URL. Typed the url in an incognito window to double check and yep, still the login page. Is there something further I should be doing?

    After logging in I see the landing page I made. 

  2. I'm totally missing something...How do you make the landing page the first page that everyone that visits the site sees before logging in or registering for my community? I know how to make it the page they see AFTER logging in but that is not so helpful.

    I am getting a lot of traffic to my Invision community login page, but only members who sign up for a membership on a different site are allowed to register and login. I'm hoping to direct some of this traffic to my membership enrollment page. 

    I bought the landing page plug-in already and build the page I want, but now I am wondering if I've made a mistake...

    Thank you in advance!

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