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Posts posted by Cupach

  1. 2 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:


    The only theme supported is the default one as stated in my Terms & Conditions, available when purchasing. I don’t have a “common fix”, otherwise I would need to release one version of each resource to every theme out there. 

    I suggest you to look for support with the designer and ask him to contact me if necessary. 

    Many thanks, of course I wouldn't expect you to release a new version for every theme! Seems like a simple error that I'm sure I can iron out.

    I'll dig deeper into it, thanks anyway.

  2. Hey, I've got a data-type mismatch on one of the entries in front/general/view.php.

    Happened when I changed the application to allow all usergroups to apply.

    Have tested with the basic theme and all is good. This is with a popular IPSFocus theme, which I'd assume would at least be a little bit compatible with this application. Do you have a common fix?

    All is up to date, running on v.4.6.6.

    TypeError: implode(): Argument #1 ($pieces) must be of type array, string given in <path>\system\Theme\Theme.php(860) : eval()'d code:2330
    Stack trace:
    #0 <path>\system\Theme\Theme.php(860) : eval()'d code(2330): implode()
    #1 <path>\system\Theme\SandboxedTemplate.php(61): IPS\Theme\class_staffappsystem_front_view->view()
    #2 <path>\applications\staffappsystem\modules\front\general\view.php(95): IPS\Theme\_SandboxedTemplate->__call()
    #3 <path>\system\Dispatcher\Controller.php(101): IPS\staffappsystem\modules\front\general\_view->manage()
    #4 <path>\system\Content\Controller.php(50): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #5 <path>\applications\staffappsystem\modules\front\general\view.php(37): IPS\Content\_Controller->execute()
    #6 <path>\system\Dispatcher\Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\staffappsystem\modules\front\general\_view->execute()
    #7 <path>\index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #8 {main}
  3. Currently GET /core/hello only returns community name, community URL & IpsVersion.

    Is there any endpoint I can hit to get more in-depth forum statistics like total number of posts, threads, members etc. I know there is the GET /forums/posts, /forums/topics that both have a response of totalResults, but you have to manually send a request with a list of your forum IDs which wouldn't be much use if forums get deleted/added. Would this also be a performance hit? Who knows.

    If anyone has any solutions, it would be great to know! Thanks.

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