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Michelle Guiliano

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Posts posted by Michelle Guiliano

  1. Thanks, Marc! 

    I'd love to discuss the requirements with the sales team, but my conversation with my sales contact is really limping along.  I haven't heard from him since the beginning of the week. Sigh.  

    I appreciate you answering my question within an hour!  This was exactly how I thought it would work, but I wanted to make sure.

    I wish I could go through the support team to get this process started!  Your responses are lightning-fast!

  2. Hello!

    I would like to understand how the custom SSO through Invision works.  

    I have a membership website that I want to connect to a private Invision forum - available to members only. In the ideal scenario, someone signed in as a member with forum access on my website would then be able to access the forum seamlessly, without having to sign in again in the forum.  In my mind, the forum tab in the navigation menu would be visible when the member is signed in, but the forum would not be accessible otherwise. This is how it works for other features on our site.  My website designer is pretty savvy, but didn't have the skillset to make this kind of connection on her own. That is why I am looking into a custom SSO.  The forum will be hosted by Invision, so the custom SSO is an option.

    Is this how the custom SSO works?  Or am I thinking about this the wrong way?

    Also - has anyone had a custom SSO set up on their forum care to comment about their experience?  Or the process of accessing the forum on their website for their members?  Have you set up the custom SSO to work differently?  

    I'd appreciate any feedback.

    Thanks in advance!


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