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David N.

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David N. last won the day on May 20

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  • Location
    Saint Martin
  • Interests
    Music Production

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  1. What I see on your status page is that the EU service has (had?) a 4mn downtime today, but I'm on the US cloud. However I have noticed that when the "Response Time" goes up, my site is down: it states "This Community is Not Available". Then it's back up but super slow for a while. Ok I saw that CDN and Firewall Transition topic, hopefully that'll sort things up in the future.
  2. Site is down right now.
  3. In the Custom CSS, that you can access in the Theme editor.
  4. You can use your browser's dev tools to copy my custom CSS from my site. Ok I'll make it easy: li[data-ips-hook="navColumnItem"]:nth-child(6) span:nth-child(2)::after { content: "Pro"; display: inline-block; background: #FFB343; padding: 2px 5px; font-size: 10px; text-transform: uppercase; border-radius: 4px; color: black; font-weight: bold; margin-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 0em; } li[data-ips-hook="navColumnItem"]:nth-child(5) span:nth-child(2)::after { content: "New"; display: inline-block; background: #00cc66; padding: 2px 5px; font-size: 10px; text-transform: uppercase; border-radius: 4px; color: black; font-weight: bold; margin-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 0em; } There may be a more elegant selector than li[data-ips-hook="navColumnItem"]:nth-child(), which breaks the relationship if you edit your menu, but this is just something I quickly hacked to see what it would look like.
  5. I agree, that would be great! 🙂
  6. Love the pun!! 🤣 Is it possible to renew my beta community? https://x332394.invisionservice.com/
  7. @Marc now my beta community is no longer available. Is there any chance it can be restored and updated to beta 7?
  8. I've tried about 6 or 7 times at different times of the day and always get that same error.
  9. When I try upgrade from Beta 5 to Beta 6, I get the following error:
  10. I just tried to update my Beta demo to v5 and am getting the following error:
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