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Posts posted by Cinquezerocinque

  1. Hello,
    I was trying to convert all wordpress articles and pages, to invision community pages; so, i get past almost everything but it stops and give a 500 error when it is about to finish. And even if I have every post of wordpress in a db of pages, it isn't completely working (for example, the redirect doesn't work) and the conversion is still there.
    If you any solution, please help me.
    Thanks on advance.

  2. Hello, I would like to create a page like the guide from invision community (https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides), but I'm not much into invision.
    Basically mine should be a guide page for whoever needs it, that always has the left side with the categories name and below it every post name that sends you to the guide post, maintaining the left side with the list.
    I just want to recreate the guide from invision community with my guide posts, nothing more actually. Can somebody help? I'm really struggling with this one, since I always worked on others CMS..

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