Do I need to renew license for forum to work?
Thanks Marc, that makes sense.
Do I need to renew license for forum to work?
Thanks Marc for the clarification. yes, I am aware we do need to update server etc. one other question, is it possible to download a fresh version, set that up off site, as it where, and get that working and transfer the database into the new, updated version please?
Petra Jane started following Customize the Update Page , Do I need to renew license for forum to work? , Rank Image size and 1 other
Do I need to renew license for forum to work?
I see that my forum license is due to expire shortly. however, as the server we are hosted on will not upgrade successfully to PHP8, the forum registration page fails, and as we have customised our forums, we can no longer update the forum software, if we allow the license to lapse, will the forums stop working or does the license simply allow us to access updates that we cannot install? Thanks in advance for any clarification.
Rank Image size
Thank you @Davyc that fixes it perfectly! I can edit CSS, when someone shows me how, but figuring out how to make such changes is a bit of a struggle for this ol'brain. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Rank Image size
Not for me I'm afraid. The image affected is the one that appears over the member avatar. Sorry about not giving url, thanks to SeNioR- for helping out there.
Rank Image size
Since a forum update to 4.x our pip_images have shurnk quite strangely. They are all 120x30 pixels and used to look 120 wide, now they seem to be about 30 pixels wide. To be honest, I can't figureout where to edit to bring them back up to their correct width, any clues or advice please? Original image Forum result
Can Banned Members receive News and Updates
Thank you both. 👍
Can Banned Members receive News and Updates
If a spammer signs up, registers to receive the News and Updates, and then are subsequently banned because they are spammers, do they still receive any email updates? I'm curious about how this might work.
Customize Admin Login Page
Perfection! Thank you so much. 👍
Customize the Update Page
Thank you Marc! May I just ask the path/to referred to, should it be /serverpath or http//www.site.com/forums/path ?
Customize the Update Page
Is it possible to edit the Forum Update Page so that one can add the forum logo rather than show a simple black and white text message whilst the forum updates are running please? If so, a pointer to the file to tweak would be a bonus. Many thanks
Information associated with IP address fails to resolve
Weird. Thanks @Marc Stridgen, updating it fixed the IP location issue.
Information associated with IP address fails to resolve
We have noticed on our IP Forum that the members IP when registering no longer resolves to any location, just gives "The IP address resolves to " (IP address) instead of (for example) New York as it used to do? Version Is it internal to our forums, or external to an Invision server that converts the ip to a location or has the ablity being removed? Also, how to fix the issue please?
Latest Registered Members
Any idea if this will be updated for version 4.6.x please?
Customize Admin Login Page
Thank you, enjoy your vacation.
Petra Jane
Last visited