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173rd Airborne

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Everything posted by 173rd Airborne

  1. After waking up this morning to work on our Invision Community, I was greeted by this error instead of our home page: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Attempt to assign property "timezone" on null in /usr/www/oneseventhird/v3/system/Member/Member.php:205 Stack trace: #0 /usr/www/oneseventhird/v3/system/Log/Log.php(107): IPS\_Member::loggedIn() #1 /usr/www/oneseventhird/v3/init.php(1034): IPS\_Log::log() #2 [internal function]: IPS\IPS::exceptionHandler() #3 {main} thrown in /usr/www/oneseventhird/v3/system/Member/Member.php on line 205 Lines 203-205 of Member.php: if ( !static::$loggedInMember->member_id and isset( \IPS\Request::i()->cookie['ipsTimezone'] ) ) { static::$loggedInMember->timezone = \IPS\Request::i()->cookie['ipsTimezone']; } I attempted to access the Admin CP, which threw a different error: (500 Error) Fatal error: Uncaught IPS\Db\Exception: Too many connections in /usr/www/oneseventhird/v3/system/Db/Db.php:269 Stack trace: #0 /usr/www/oneseventhird/v3/system/Db/Db.php(356): IPS\_Db->_establishConnection() #1 /usr/www/oneseventhird/v3/system/Db/Db.php(487): IPS\_Db->checkConnection() #2 /usr/www/oneseventhird/v3/system/Db/Db.php(972): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery() #3 /usr/www/oneseventhird/v3/system/Session/Admin.php(112): IPS\_Db->replace() #4 [internal function]: IPS\Session\_Admin->write() #5 [internal function]: session_write_close() #6 {main} thrown in /usr/www/oneseventhird/v3/system/Db/Db.php on line 269 Lines 267-269 of Db.php: if( $error ) { throw new \IPS\Db\Exception( $error, $errno ); } After experiencing a previous problem, we restored a backup of the site from 12AUG2023 yesterday which seemed to fix that issue. Unsure if this is related.
  2. Problem solved, backup restored. Will not be touching that option again anytime soon!
  3. Hello! In an attempt to fix an error in which our new website (new.173rd.us) was unsuccessfully drawing from the old site's (173rd.us) file directory, I initiated an unintended file transfer that has resulted in a loss of UI integrity and formatting. I'm assuming this is because the site can no longer find the CSS files to tell it how to look. The error message is as follows: IPS\File\Exception: CANNOT_MAKE_DIR (6) #0 /usr/www/oneseventhird/v3/system/File/FileSystem.php(306): IPS\File\_FileSystem->getFolder() #1 /usr/www/oneseventhird/v3/system/File/File.php(351): IPS\File\_FileSystem->save() #2 /usr/www/oneseventhird/v3/system/Theme/Theme.php(734): IPS\_File::create() #3 /usr/www/oneseventhird/v3/system/Theme/Theme.php(4628) : eval()'d code(3461): IPS\_Theme->resource() #4 /usr/www/oneseventhird/v3/system/Theme/Theme.php(5492): IPS\Theme\css_core_global___framework_css() #5 /usr/www/oneseventhird/v3/system/Theme/Theme.php(2647): IPS\_Theme::writeCss() #6 /usr/www/oneseventhird/v3/system/Theme/Theme.php(646): IPS\_Theme->compileCss() #7 /usr/www/oneseventhird/v3/system/Dispatcher/Standard.php(54): IPS\_Theme->css() #8 /usr/www/oneseventhird/v3/init.php(932) : eval()'d code(30): IPS\Dispatcher\_Standard::baseCss() #9 /usr/www/oneseventhird/v3/system/Dispatcher/Admin.php(89): IPS\Dispatcher\perscom_hook_perscomCss::baseCss() #10 /usr/www/oneseventhird/v3/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(110): IPS\Dispatcher\_Admin->init() #11 /usr/www/oneseventhird/v3/admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher::i() #12 {main} I was attempting to change the directory it was drawing from for these files from /usr/www/oneseventhird/v3/uploads to /usr/www/oneseventhird/v3 in hopes that it would fix some of our issues, but I now realize that this change was unnecessary and detrimental to my continued progress. I now cannot access the admin cp, and the error above accompanied with EX6 displays instead of any setting or configuration options. Any help would be greatly appreciated! NOTE: We were running an older version of the invision community, and the site will not let me upgrade now and throws the same error as above.
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