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Andrea Vallini

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Posts posted by Andrea Vallini

  1. On 1/28/2022 at 7:48 PM, Jim M said:

    Unfortunately, not all areas are directly editable by the Easy Mode editor like you're trying to perform. As well, others may reference off of other colors which you have set. Additionally, I'm afraid, customization of themes is outside our scope of support. I can move this to our community support forum so you can further receive the information you are seeking here in modifying your theme.

    I changed the colors of the default forum theme using the Easy Mode editor. In the defoult theme the colors of the checkboxes are correctly visible, but in my case (as you can see from the screen) not. So that color was surely changed by changing a color in the Easy Mode editor (probably a selection included that selector too).
    But I can't figure out how to fix it, since the checkboxes are currently unusable.

  2. I tried to use the live editor of the themes present in the admin panel, but I can't select correctly the various checkboxes. As you can see if with the selector I choose the radio button of this page, the colors that are shown to me are not those associated with the button I want to change.
    Can someone tell me under which category I find the internal color of the various checkboxes? Currently the background color is set to white, and it's not possible to understand if a checkbox is selected or not.


  3. I'm setting up my main menu bar. I put the various items in the bar, removing the various sub-items.
    As you can see of the image I attached, even though there are no sub-items, the empty sub-item bar is still shown.
    How can I remove the bar if there are no sub-items to show?



  4. Hi,

    I follow a official guide to set a FontAwesome icon for forum: https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/themes-and-customizations/tips-tricks_362/changing-fontawesome-icons-per-forum-r164/

    I add this code in custom.css:

    /*Forum personalized icon from FontAwesome*/
    [data-forumid="10"] .fa-comments:before {
    content: "\f091";
    [data-forumid="5"] .fa-comments:before {
    content: "\f11b";
    [data-forumid="9"] .fa-comments:before {
    content: "\f6e2";
    [data-forumid="6"] .fa-comments:before {
    content: "\f059";
    [data-forumid="11"] .fa-comments:before {
    content: "\f1ea";
    [data-forumid="2"] .fa-comments:before {
    content: "\f52b";

    But not all icons work properly, even if the code works, and the icons are part of the free icons.

    Can anyone tell me why?

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