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Frederick Gams

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Posts posted by Frederick Gams

  1. On 2/17/2022 at 4:25 AM, Marc Stridgen said:

    While I understand the sentement there, Im not sure that was the actual solution, so have unmarked that. Please could you state the actual solution and mark that instead? Otherwise people may be searching for that very same issue, and see the solution is indeed to..........


    Mark, there are two solutions.

    1) Configure an SELinux policy to allow apache to write to the document root and subfolders.

    2) Disable SELinux.

    I opted for the latter.  Thanks


    p.s. file permissions should not be 777. I don't want to argue about it, but it is not necessary and poses a security risk. You are giving the public write permissions to a folder on the server.  Instead, you should change the ownership of the 'document root' folder to apache:apache (if you use apache) and set file permissions to 775 or even 755.



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