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Posts posted by sampactu

  1. 3 hours ago, Morrigan said:

    The problem is that the post container doesn't have the member group anywhere on it. You would need to add it manually to be able to refer to it in CSS.

    thanks for your reaction do you have any idea how I do this?

  2. currently I have this, for highlighting reply's or posts from people having rank id "4" (administrators) but somehow it is not working I am running this on 4.5 would love to hear what I am doing wrong, and some feedback.

    [data-membergroup="4"].ipsComment_highlighted:not(.ipsBox_transparent):not(.ipsModerated):not(.ipsComment_selected):not(.ipsComment_popular) {
          border-color: #ffeb00 !important;
          box-shadow: 0 0 5px #ffeb00 !important;


  3. hi, I am looking for someone who can upgrade my forum theme I am not sure if it is 4.3 or 4.4. I want this upgraded to 4.5 since it is bugged atm. I also would like to have some user ranks when they post something lined with there rank color with a small glow.




    I am also looking for someone who can setup Brilliant Discord Integration so people need to create an account before they can login to discord, also with the discord login function.

    I also am looking for someone who can integrate the discord ranks with the forum ranks so when I promote someone on discord it wil automatically update it also on the forum.


  4. hi I currently have a custom made them that is at either 4.3 or 4.4 and I updated my software to 4.5 so now the forum is bugged so I am looking for someone who can fix this for a price I don't have any experience with coding so this is not a task for me! if there is anyone who would help me out please PM me or post below thanks for advance!

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