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Posts posted by burnyourfeelings

  1. 2 hours ago, bfarber said:

    There are still many theme changes occurring in the betas - your customizations to a theme should not be wiped out during upgrades, but particularly during betas things can change that may have an impact. For instance, the header logo was redesigned slightly so that might explain the issue you were seeing here.

    I have the same problem, even after i revert the global template these two things does not appear anymore.

  2. 40 minutes ago, Brian Robinson_47676 said:

    Thanks Woodsman. But already getting confused with what would be installed on my own pc (nothing?) and what would be on the new host's space. Ideally I should try and get my working version of 3.4.8 onto a new host and have it up and running. Then try and get assistance to upgrade that to 4.x.x?
    There isn't a way to install 4.x.x onto a new host and then do a conversion from my 3.4.8 installation, is there?
    Don't even remember what script changes I did over the years, so hoping nothing complicates the upgrade.
    That's aside from all the attachments which tend to drive upgrade scripts bonkers.
    Phew...i can see why I have put this off every time I contemplate it.
    And why I'd rather just pay an expert to do it. At this stage, the forum is too important worldwide to lose...lots of valuable info that cannot be found anywhere.

    If you wanna move to 4.4.10 you need php 7.1 or higher but wit 7.1 its works great. Just copy the files of 4.4.10 in your forum directory ( do not copy conf_global ) and then go to /admin/upgrade and run the upgrade. But your theme will no longer work among with other plugins  / apps you have on the 3.4.8 ! I can do a video tutorial if you want.

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