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Oyvind Dahl

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Posts posted by Oyvind Dahl

  1. 3 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    It does, of course. However anything that any modification does is of course possible. This however isnt a function of the core platform any present. Have you tried contacting the owner to see if there is an update?

    I've contacted them, so let's see.

    I also realized there was a place to look for development help, so I've posted a request over there:


  2. I have a Wordpress site with lots of users and I want them to be able to automatically log into the community via SSO. 

    So I have set up an OAuth 2.0 server on wordpress and connected it to an OAuth client on Invision Community. I have been able to log into the community via this method, so I know that it works.

    But that said, I have the following challenges that I assume can only be realized through a custom plugin:

    1) On the community when clicking "Existing User? Sign In", I get the username and password as the main sign-in method, with a small button next to it for signing in via Ohmify (my OAuth sign-in method). I'd like to change so that when a user clicks on the "Existing user? Sign In" link, they don't see the popup, but are automatically signed in via the OAuth sign-in option I have configured (basically moving the action from the "Sign in via Ohmify" button to the "Existing user? Sign In" link).



    2) If I log into the main wordpress site, then go to the community, I am not automatically logged into the community. My first thought of how to solve this is to add a URL parameter in the link to the community so that the plugin can recognize it and trigger the OAuth signin option. But there might be better/smart ways to do this.

  3. 18 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    What you are looking for here is a full SSO solution, rather than a login method, which is what you have set up. There is nothing built into the software that will allow this. It may be worth looking in the marketplace though, as I know there are full wordpress SSO solutions there

    I actually have the SSO plugin linked to above (Wordpress SSO), but since it is not updated to 4.6 and I am experiencing some issues with it, I wanted to look at alternatives. I have not found any other alternatives on the marketplace and looks like neither has @Lucas James.

    I would be happy with a solution where the user isn't automatically logged in, but where a user can click on the "Existing user? Sign In" link to initiate the OAuth sign-in option I have configured.

    The SSO plugin above actually replaces the "Existing user? Sign In" link, so it must be possible. And I've seen some older forum posts talking about going into the templates to make the change. But in the newer version of Invision Community, that way of editing templates seems to have been removed.

  4. I have a Wordpress site with lots of users and I want them to be able to automatically log into the community via SSO. 

    So I have set up an OAuth 2.0 server on wordpress and connected it to an OAuth client on Invision Community. I have been able to log into the community via this method, so I know that it works.

    But that said, I have the following challenges to fix:

    1) If I log into the main wordpress site, then go to the community, I am not automatically logged into the community. Is there something I can add to the link or something to trigger the OAuth signin option when a user goes to the forum from the main site?

    2) On the community when clicking Sign In, I get the username and password as the main sign-in method, with a small button next to it for signing in via Wordpress. It is only I as the admin that can use the username and password login, so it doesn't make sense to have that there. How can I change so that when a user clicks on the "Existing user? Sign In" link, they are automatically signed in via the OAuth sign-in option I have configured? (Basically moving the action from the "Sign in via Ohmify" button to the "Existing user? Sign In" link)


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