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Posts posted by BRIAN MCELDERRY

  1. 8 minutes ago, tlw1999 said:

    Have you recently upgraded to a newer version? All of my changes happened during an upgrade to 4.7 and there has been nothing since.

    I agree that it is unsettling that an unknown ip seems to be able to cancel subscriptions, but I assumed it was a glitch in converting them during the upgrade. 

    Yes we updated to 4.7.3 and this is when it was noticed - I will be updating to 4.7.4 tomorrow and will keep an eye on this and see how it plays out.  Thanks for sharing that information as it has calmed my anxiety down somewhat. 

  2. 46 minutes ago, tlw1999 said:

    The ip address connected to my cancellations resolved to Australia. And when I clicked on that ip it brought up a list of members whose subs had been cancelled.

    I have 22 pages relating to this IP address a lot of them are indeed cancelled or updated subscriptions.  I've always been on the IPS platform, so no conversion from another system.  It just seems weird that the IP address resolves to Canada, could this be something to do with Stripe?

  3. Cancelled the old membership and added the user to the new membership - by cancelled I mean I deleted the subscription completely and then added the user to the new subscription.

    I am unclear as to what effect where the server is on that IP address going through all those motions of changing subscriptions, it is appearing on other accounts, same IP address.  Basically what I am asking, is there something untowards going on there, for example a hack of some kind.  If this is something normal then I'll just run with it, but it is disconcerting when there appears to be no way of reasoning this out as where that IP address is accessing accounts.

  4. Server is with IONOS and located in the UK.

    Some users are still on the older subscriptions but they are no longer available to purchase, nor can they change subscriptions themselves.  The only two that are available to purchase are Community and Full, there are still older subscription in use, which we will be removing as soon as we find out what those subscribers want to do, but as of now they are still being billed for them, but they cannot change themselves.

    Both users concerned has older subscriptions and asked for a change to one of the active subscriptions.  It's a bit confusing which is why I am trying to get older subscribers moved to the two active ones.  This still doesn't explain the amount of changes going on in their account and from a Canadian IP address.

    This is where the IP address resolves to

    Could contain: Text, Number, Symbol

    Thanks for bearing with me as I'm not that technically minded, it just seems odd that changes are going on that really should not be happening and from this strange IP address.

  5. I'm not sure what I am supposed to get from that Wikipedia link.  The activity clearly shows that the IP address is from Canada and it's the same IP address showing on another members account.  I omitted the first IP address as that was correct, but the others are a mystery to me.

    Could contain: Page, Text

    We have no one from Canada on our site, it is UK only and the two members concerned have stated they have no connection to Canada and they are not using a VPN.

  6. Two members have recently been charged twice for a membership renewal, I can handle this with a refund but it should not be happening.  When I logged in the admin section and checked their membership I noticed a lot of activity of changing memberships which should not be happening as only two are active, the others are not and cannot be purchased or upgraded/downgraded to (I recently changed this after these incidents so they can upgrade from the lesser to the more expensive).  The changes on their account appear to be happening from an IP address in Canada, as we are a UK based company and only accept subscriptions from the UK, I was wondering if you could shed some light on this.  I've done a screenshot which shows the offending IP address but nothing that can identify the member.  Can you help?

    Could contain: Page, Text

    Changed from Gold to Standard, members cannot do this.

    Changed from Standard to Gold, members cannot do this.

    Changed again from Gold to Standard, etc you can see how it goes.  The only subscriptions active are Community and Full Member.  Thanks.

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