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John McKee

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Posts posted by John McKee

  1. On 3/6/2022 at 1:06 AM, Randy Calvert said:

    It looks like that is the signature of the user “digsey”.  It does look like that’s from the software but instead posted by your user. 


  2. 31 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    I’m sorry you’re having an issue but this is not something we added to our software or impose on our clients. We would not do anything like that.

    I would suggest disabling/removing all customizations (themes, applications, plugins, advertisements, any custom JavaScript, etc…) to rule out them out.

    If it still remains, please supply us a URL to where you are currently seeing this.



    second post down     



  3. 20 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    Does it go under all members or just one? If just one (or few), the user likely added it to their signature.

    Random , could be a dozen a day or none AND NO, NO MEMBERS would "likely" add it to their signature, why would they? It looks more like an issue from Invision

    24 minutes ago, Muddy Boots said:

    Some sort of advertising ? App or something ? 

    Where would it come from though? Our forum / site is supposed to be secure.......any ideas would be helpful. Unfortunately the Invision support is not too hot. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, Matt said:

    If you cannot access the ACP, then just give the techs your ACP log in, you can always reset the password afterwards.

    I gave them my own log in details..thanks for your help, let you know how it goes. I did not put in the URL though ???   Simply because when i click on admin portal nothing happens, hope they get in with what i have sent


  5. 21 minutes ago, Matt said:

    Hi John, I've moved this to a ticket so a member of our team can pick this up with you and work on a resolution.

    Got a message asking to give permissions... ...do I give a new log in name  so they can access ..How can we do this if we cannot access or admin panel ?

    or do I give them my own log in details ?

    <image removed for security>


  6. 4 hours ago, Randy Calvert said:

    It sounds like you don’t have a full upgrade package. Not being able to reply to posts sounds like a JS might be missing. 

    Try downloading a full copy from the client area and uploading them. If the updater did. It run, hit yourdomain.com/admin/upgrade and see if it wants to do anything extra. 

    Once that completes, clear your system cache from the support section of the ACP

    Sorry for being vague here but Where do I download from please? Upload what please?  What do you mean by yourdomain.com/admin/upgrade...our forum is .co.uk? Thanks

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